Member Since 2023-07-15 -:- Recomendations :
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Books -
Destiny Awaits -:- by Lollydolly -:- Updated : July 23, 2009 10:05 pm
Content Tags : Angst HC HJ MF WIP
After Twilight. When Alice leaves to find her future, Bella makes a her a promise that will be dangerous to keep. A Bella/Jasper story. Language, VS,
Destiny Awaits -:- by Lollydolly -:- Updated : July 23, 2009 10:05 pm
Content Tags : Angst HC HJ MF WIP
After Twilight. When Alice leaves to find her future, Bella makes a her a promise that will be dangerous to keep. A Bella/Jasper story. Language, VS,
Harry Potter -
Master of the Senses -:- by shsa0702 -:- Updated : February 7, 2022 6:19 pm
Content Tags : AFFO Fingering Solo HJ Oral WIP Anal
When an opportunity arises for Hermione to return to Hogwarts, she simply can not pass it up. In order to complete her Potions Mastery and become a certified professor she must first finish her hands-on practicum with none other than her former teacher, Severus Snape. Hermione discovers along the way that her heart may have secrets her mind is not ready to admit, and Severus Snape may have more to teach her than just potions...
The Prisoner -:- by Nerys -:- Updated : October 11, 2021 10:42 am
Content Tags : Angst D/s H/C Herm Humil M/F Preg Bigotry Bond Spank UST Violence BDSM COMPLETE
Imprisoned, Lord Voldemort is considered a threat of the past. His knowledge is desired by many. Yet, his offer is for one person only: Hermione Weasley-Granger. More warnings inside. Language,
Mudbloods at Hogwarts -:- by Gandalfs-Beard -:- Updated : June 24, 2019 2:21 am
Content Tags : Abuse AFFO Anal Angst Beast BDSM Bigotry Bond Breastfeeding Bukakke ChallengeFic Contro Ds Exhib Fet FF Fingering Fluff Futa GB HC Hentai Herm Hum Humil MF Minor1 Minor2 MM Oral Racist Rape Rim Satire SH Slave Spank Tentacle TF Toys WS Vegephilia
Not for the timid! Filthy, filthy smut! ... Challenge fic: prompts: Something outside my comfort zone, pile on the nasty fetishes! ... Hermione and Harry discover that Hogwarts isn't what the brochure advertised! ... Male!Harry to start, Fem!Harry to follow... Dark! Ghastly! ... Not for fans of my usual fare! Loads of Non-con, some BDSM elements, Hentai, and much more... If you get guilty pleasure out of that sort of thing, then this one's for you. ;-)
The Headmaster's Wife -:- by Mrs_HH -:- Updated : September 3, 2018 5:03 pm
Content Tags : Anal Fingering H/C HJ Hum M/F M/M MiCD Oral Preg Toys WIP
Should all ancient magic be feared? When Headmaster Snape starts having confusing thoughts he needs to know why. Once he knows will those feelings become set in stone. Post DH/EWE. our/Romance/ MMF,
Nurse Granger -:- by Sammy -:- Updated : April 5, 2018 7:53 pm
Content Tags : Fet Fingering HJ WIP
Set a couple of years after the war in an AU Hogwarts where Snape survived. Snape has an embarrassing problem and is forced to ask kinky trainee medic Hermione for help!
Medical/enema kink (and probably many other things if/when I add additional chapters), but this time Snape is, albeit reluctantly, the one on the receiving end. There's plenty of sub!Hermione and dom!Snape out there already and I prefer it when Snape is the one being dominated.
Saved By Grace -:- by knappshari -:- Updated : June 6, 2017 6:10 pm
Content Tags : AU Het Rape Violence Smut Angst Preg Hurt/Comfort
Hermione's marriage to Ron has ended in spectacular disaster, which lands him time in Azkaban. When he's done his time he fixates on the reason for his imprisonment...Hermione.
Snape finds himself falling head over heels for his young apprentice, but is afraid to let her know how he feels, until a tiny miracle comes along.
Four lives hang in the balance, will justice and love prevail, or will evil more time.
****If you read this, please take time to review, it makes the plot bunnies very happy! (^_-)
The Complexities of Human Nature -:- by ElleAllio -:- Updated : May 3, 2017 5:20 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse Angst Beast Bi Bigotry BMod Contro CR HC Humil Inc MC MCD MF MiCD Minor1 Minor2 MM Nec Other Preg Racist Rape SH TF Tort UST Violence WIP
As reconstruction of Hogwarts comes to an end and people move on to rebuild their lives, Hermione is presented with a photo of a woman from the 70s who looks shockingly like to herself. From there, things rapidly progress, and she finds herself in a whirlwind of chaos. Featuring time-turners, Death Eaters, Marauder's, and enough mental instability to fill a psychiatric hospital. Full summary inside.
Not What We Thought -:- by BluAngel19 -:- Updated : April 1, 2017 6:33 pm
Content Tags : B-Mod Fingering HJ M/M Oral Preg Violence WIP
What if Harry and his friends are not who they think they are? And what if their enemies are not their enemies? Life gets turned upside down and topsy turvy. Along the way of finding out their true selfs, they find friends where they didn't expect.
Doing it for the Order *Complete* -:- by Desert_Sea -:- Updated : January 27, 2017 5:46 am
Content Tags : Angst, Fingering, Solo, Oral, Desk Sex, Shower Sex, Rough Sex, Dub Con.
The Order asks Hermione Granger to lay down for Severus Snape.
Is That So, Ms. Granger? -:- by zodiacempress -:- Updated : November 22, 2016 4:02 am
Content Tags : AFFO Fingering HJ MF Oral Solo Spank WD WIP
6th Year Gryffindor, Hermione Granger, finds herself in Snape's office after being caught hexing a student in a corridor.
From Blackmail To Love *NOW COMPLETE* -:- by Talented_Mrs_Lupin -:- Updated : November 6, 2016 2:20 pm
Content Tags : AFFO
Hermione didn't go on the Horcrux search, Remus did. She is at Hogwarts and while there someone find some dirt on her and sends it to Mr. Malfoy and he decides to use that information as a way to ensure his families safety after the war. Punishment, Spank, BJ, HJ, Humil, questionable consent. Story has been put on hold until my muse heals from the beatings it took.Sorry.
From Blackmail To Love *NOW COMPLETE* -:- by Talented_Mrs_Lupin -:- Updated : November 6, 2016 2:20 pm
Content Tags : AFFO
Hermione didn't go on the Horcrux search, Remus did. She is at Hogwarts and while there someone find some dirt on her and sends it to Mr. Malfoy and he decides to use that information as a way to ensure his families safety after the war. Punishment, Spank, BJ, HJ, Humil, questionable consent. Story has been put on hold until my muse heals from the beatings it took.Sorry.
Vespertine -:- by BrownRecluse -:- Updated : June 20, 2016 2:04 pm
Content Tags : Angst M/F Other Violence WIP
A puzzling Patronus, a strange summons, and a dark obsession draw Hermione into a plot laced with murder, intrigue, and untold delight. But all is not as it seems: desire has teeth--and this kind of love really *bites!*
Vespertine -:- by BrownRecluse -:- Updated : June 20, 2016 2:04 pm
Content Tags : Angst M/F Other Violence WIP
A puzzling Patronus, a strange summons, and a dark obsession draw Hermione into a plot laced with murder, intrigue, and untold delight. But all is not as it seems: desire has teeth--and this kind of love really *bites!*
Thinking outloud -:- by Ehlena -:- Updated : January 20, 2016 11:58 am
Content Tags : Abuse AFFO Anal Angst BDSM Bond BP CR D/s Dom DP Exhib Fet Fingering H/C HJ Herm Humil MC M/F M/s MiCD Oral Other Preg Rape S&M Slave Solo Spank Tort Toys UST Violence Voy WIP
after the DH but compleatly ignores the 19 years later. Hermione and Ron are not married. She has aquired a position at hogwarts where she is haunted by more then memories. D,
The Mandatory Reproduction Statute -:- by Juliesnaps -:- Updated : March 29, 2015 9:47 pm
Content Tags : AFFO Fingering HJ M/F Oral Preg WIP
The British Wizarding population has decreased severely after the war. As a result the Ministry has made the Mandatory Reproduction Statute to combat this. Single men and women are being paired up by luck of the draw.
Take my Breath Away -:- by EmmariaDawson -:- Updated : December 15, 2014 11:23 pm
Content Tags : AFFO Fingering HJ MiCD OC Oral Preg UST Violence WIP
Following the war the students have returned to Hogwarts to resume their 8th year. What starts as a normal school year will bring sorrow and challenge as a new danger arises threatening the wizarding world.
Take my Breath Away -:- by EmmariaDawson -:- Updated : December 15, 2014 11:23 pm
Content Tags : AFFO Fingering HJ MiCD OC Oral Preg UST Violence WIP
Following the war the students have returned to Hogwarts to resume their 8th year. What starts as a normal school year will bring sorrow and challenge as a new danger arises threatening the wizarding world.
Many Lessons to be Learned -:- by Shay89 -:- Updated : September 23, 2014 6:13 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal BDSM D/s Dom DP Exhib Fingering Herm Humil M/s Oral Solo Spank Toys Voy
HG/SS - Post war, after going back for their seventh year Hermione though desperate to hide her fantasies cannot keep them from the dark and erotic Severus. Will he find out who saved him? Will he teach her what she really desires?
A Baby For the Potion's Master -:- by zodiacdragon -:- Updated : February 13, 2014 9:29 am
Content Tags : Herm Oral Preg Solo Toys UST
Summary: After a two year recovery from his near death experience Severus Snape finds he wanting a child. But with the Final battle have only been 2 years prior who would want to become his surrogate. Hermione Granger knows how important he
The Story of H -:- by AnyaToile -:- Updated : January 20, 2014 10:43 pm
Content Tags : AFFO Anal Angst BDSM Bigotry Contro D/s Dom DP Exhib Fet Fingering Fist H/C HJ Herm Humil M/F M/s Oral Other Rim S&M Slave Solo Spank Tort Toys Voy WIP WS
Hermione discovers some surprising aspects of herself after she has to turn her potions professor for unconventional treatment.
The Story of H -:- by AnyaToile -:- Updated : January 20, 2014 10:43 pm
Content Tags : AFFO Anal Angst BDSM Bigotry Contro D/s Dom DP Exhib Fet Fingering Fist H/C HJ Herm Humil M/F M/s Oral Other Rim S&M Slave Solo Spank Tort Toys Voy WIP WS
Hermione discovers some surprising aspects of herself after she has to turn her potions professor for unconventional treatment.
Lie to me (Original) -:- by EvaBrick -:- Updated : September 27, 2013 10:47 am
Content Tags : Angst Fingering HJ Herm M/F Oral Violence WIP
Hermione asks Snape to teach her how to lie so she can sneak out to brew a rare, death-stopping potion. Language, Rom,
Lie to me (Original) -:- by EvaBrick -:- Updated : September 27, 2013 10:47 am
Content Tags : Angst Fingering HJ Herm M/F Oral Violence WIP
Hermione asks Snape to teach her how to lie so she can sneak out to brew a rare, death-stopping potion. Language, Rom,
WereLife -:- by RiverWitch -:- Updated : March 31, 2013 4:25 pm
Content Tags : Angst H/C Herm M/F Violence WIP
In her third year at Hogwarts, on the night that Pettigrew is revealed and escapes, Hermione is bitten by her Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin. Her life changes after that night.
Folie a Deux -:- by SalonKitty -:- Updated : March 18, 2013 6:25 pm
Content Tags : Anal Angst BDSM B-Mod Bond D/s Dom DP Fet Fist HJ Herm Humil M/F Oral Rim S&M Solo Spank Toys WIP
Hermione discovers a few things about her closest friend that will change her life forever. Some R/Hr and references to H/G. Language, F,
The Horcrux Scheme -:- by Ezriela -:- Updated : November 29, 2012 4:47 am
Content Tags : AFFO Angst D/s Fingering HJ MC M/F MiCD Oral Preg Voy WIP
Voldemort discovers a new way to weaken Harry before the final battle.
Blind Date -:- by Daydreamer -:- Updated : November 20, 2012 2:00 pm
Content Tags : AFFO Angst Fingering HJ Herm M/F Oral Solo Spank
Dumbledore decides to host a unique celebration for St Valentine's Day that allows Hermione and Severus to see each other in a new light, what happens between them when they discover new feelings? DM/HG eventually SS/HG Ratings for later
A New Timeline *COMPLETE* LAST CHAPTER A/N -:- by Talented_Mrs_Lupin -:- Updated : November 12, 2012 12:16 pm
Content Tags : Angst Herm MC M/F Minor2 OC Rape Tort
The war was not in thier favor and when the Order is completely gone to save her, McGonagall thrusts Hermione in to the past so she can live. Hermione wakes up in a new life as someones sister!! O Fic, D, fingering, H/J,
Here Without You -:- by articcat621 -:- Updated : November 3, 2012 12:04 am
Content Tags : COMPLETE H/C Herm Preg
They were in love, but how will Hermione cope with her life now that he's gone? Read on!
Love Doesn\'t Ask Why -:- by Greeneyes -:- Updated : September 19, 2012 7:27 am
Content Tags : Abortion Fingering H/C Herm Oral Preg
After the War, Hermione goes to New York to do a degree in Potions. At the beginning of her third year, Severus Snape comes to give a lecture at the same University running into Hermione. Will love blossum for the two?
Heating up Hogwarts -:- by SweetTorments -:- Updated : July 10, 2012 9:53 pm
Content Tags : BDSM Herm M/F
Reaping the ramifications of her botched polyjuice potion five years later, Hermione is awash in odd feelings. What will she do when she learns Professor Snape may hold the solution to her problems ... or the ability to destroy them both? AU.
A Dish Served Cold -:- by Barrie -:- Updated : July 3, 2012 3:14 pm
Content Tags : Herm OC
Fully edited and with the two missing chapters put back in. A Marriage Law Challenge with a twist. Severus' father marries him off to Hermione for revenge. Multiple pairings several s and lots of intrigue.
Harry Potter and the Unborn Happiness -:- by Christina_Potter_09 -:- Updated : June 26, 2012 8:41 am
Content Tags : Fingering H/C Herm Other Preg Violence
Post-DH.Harry & Hermione were supposed to live happily ever after next to the ones they chose during the war. Now, 5 years later, they live their perfectly masked misery, a night changes everything, can they cope with the unexpected consequ
Time Heals All Wounds -:- by kierasama -:- Updated : June 22, 2012 7:08 pm
Content Tags : Angst HJ Herm Oral Preg WIP
Hermione is late for her Potions class, when she stumbles upon a long lost corridor. She unknowingly releases an ancient spell, etched into the stone wall, that transports her twenty years into the past. Rated adult ++ to be safe. Death, Language,
Time Heals All Wounds -:- by kierasama -:- Updated : June 22, 2012 7:08 pm
Content Tags : Angst HJ Herm Oral Preg WIP
Hermione is late for her Potions class, when she stumbles upon a long lost corridor. She unknowingly releases an ancient spell, etched into the stone wall, that transports her twenty years into the past. Rated adult ++ to be safe. Death, Language,
Kiss The Serpent -:- by indigonightowl -:- Updated : June 2, 2012 8:26 am
Content Tags : M/F
How did Snape get to be a 38-yr-old virgin? And why is it important that this change immediately? Involves a prophecy & a feisty Gryffindor. HG/SS romance & plenty of lemons in later chaps. Harry explores his sexuality. (Anyone want to beta for me?)
Giggler's Revenge -:- by ShilohDarke -:- Updated : May 22, 2012 3:02 am
Content Tags : Herm
(JKR owns ANYTHING you recognize.) Snape is stricken by an Exploding Potion. Can Draco and Hermione hold things together in his classes until he's all better? Will they find a way to see past their differences. (NOT compliant with the last TWO books)
Matters of the Heart -:- by strawberryf1re -:- Updated : April 21, 2012 2:17 pm
Content Tags : Abuse Angst Contro Fingering H/C HJ Herm M/F Minor2 Oral Preg Rape Solo WIP
In Hermione's seventh year, she is required to participate in an apprenticeship in a subject of her choosing. The results of her decision are nothing like she would have imagined. Fic,
Unremembered -:- by ElegantMess -:- Updated : January 19, 2012 12:10 am
Content Tags : Herm M/F Preg WIP
Severus awoke in a foul temper with a massive headache. Hermione awoke and her first thought was he's forgotten 17 years... Language, NonCon, Rom,
Broken Enigma -:- by Bloodsrose -:- Updated : January 5, 2012 1:52 am
Content Tags : Herm M/F
In a post war Hogwarts Hermione discovers a devastating secret that shakes her world and causes her to take a step back and re-evaluate everything within her life. Updated!
Trust -:- by Merciless -:- Updated : May 31, 2011 10:44 pm
Content Tags : AFFO Anal Bond D/s Fet Fingering H/C HJ M/F Oral Peg Rim Solo Toys WIP
A bitter and lonely man. A gentle, carefree young woman. Together they discover hidden desires and struggle to fulfill them. AU/AR, Language, Rom, F, M,
Trust -:- by Merciless -:- Updated : May 31, 2011 10:44 pm
Content Tags : AFFO Anal Bond D/s Fet Fingering H/C HJ M/F Oral Peg Rim Solo Toys WIP
A bitter and lonely man. A gentle, carefree young woman. Together they discover hidden desires and struggle to fulfill them. AU/AR, Language, Rom, F, M,
A Different Kind of Magic--UNDERGOING EDIT -:- by Remarkable -:- Updated : October 3, 2010 12:14 am
Content Tags : Abuse Anal Angst BDSM B-Mod Bond Contro Fet H/C HJ Herm Humil MC M/F M/M MiCD OC Oral Other Preg PWP Rim S&M SH Slave Solo Spank Tort UST Violence WIP
Severus is in a coma after the final battle. one nurses him back to health. They are thrust into a world full of intrigue, lust, manipulation, loss of magic and love. AU/AR, Death, D/A, Language, D, N/C, Rom, F, M,
Blood, Sex, Love, Magic -:- by neelix -:- Updated : September 24, 2010 2:23 am
Content Tags : Angst H/C M/F Oral Preg SH
Marriage Law Fic with a twist, written for the SG_Exchange Rom, VS, Complete.
Blood, Sex, Love, Magic -:- by neelix -:- Updated : September 24, 2010 2:23 am
Content Tags : Angst H/C M/F Oral Preg SH
Marriage Law Fic with a twist, written for the SG_Exchange Rom, VS, Complete.
Blood, Sex, Love, Magic -:- by neelix -:- Updated : September 24, 2010 2:23 am
Content Tags : Angst H/C M/F Oral Preg SH
Marriage Law Fic with a twist, written for the SG_Exchange Rom, VS, Complete.
More Ways to Kill A Weasley -:- by Ms_Figg -:- Updated : September 10, 2010 5:41 pm
Content Tags : Other
Collaborative Fic. Writers/readers continue to creatively kill off Ron in differing ways, thus thwarting JKR's epilogue. Character Death, Lemons, Limes, anything is possible. AU/AR, Challenge, Death,
Love Vigilantes -:- by potionsmistress23 -:- Updated : July 26, 2010 4:22 pm
Content Tags : Angst Herm M/F Other Tort WIP
They thought the war was going to be difficult enough, but Hermione and Severus find themselves fighting more battles than they bargained for. Can they make it out alive? AU/AR, Death, Rom,
A Dark Scenario -:- by Ms_Figg -:- Updated : June 10, 2010 9:47 am
Content Tags : Angst Herm Hum M/F
An imprisoned Hermione Granger is given a choice between life and death. She chooses life at a great price. Afterwards she and a reluctant Snape find themselves thrown together. Drama, or, Adventure, More , N/C,
All of a sudden -:- by panicog -:- Updated : June 8, 2010 5:41 pm
Content Tags : Herm M/F WIP
It's Hermione's final year. The professor wants her in bed and she is not making it any easier for him. Dumbledore wants her alive no matter what! Gods! Things are happening too fast. Will Hermione keep up to it?More details later. DARK, AU, Lemons
All of a sudden -:- by panicog -:- Updated : June 8, 2010 5:41 pm
Content Tags : Herm M/F WIP
It's Hermione's final year. The professor wants her in bed and she is not making it any easier for him. Dumbledore wants her alive no matter what! Gods! Things are happening too fast. Will Hermione keep up to it?More details later. DARK, AU, Lemons
Princes in Exile -:- by Marti -:- Updated : June 5, 2010 12:02 am
Content Tags : OC Preg
New Chapter 6/5/10, WOW!!!*leave me luv!***After being brutally raped and assaulted by Secret Death EaterPercy Weasley, Mina Prince with her husband Toby are forced to confront their hidden past unexpectedly and unwillingly AU/AR, Language, N/C,
Love's Journeys *COMPLETE* -:- by slygriff21 -:- Updated : May 27, 2010 12:23 pm
Content Tags : M/F Other Preg Tort Violence
Full summary inside. AU/AR, Death, Language,
The Dark Queen Potter -:- by serenaros -:- Updated : April 19, 2010 3:58 am
Content Tags : Anal Angst BDSM Bigotry B-Mod Bond CBT D/s Dom Exhib Fet H/C HJ Herm MC M/F M/M M/s MiCD Oral Preg Rim SI Solo Spank Tort Toys UST Violence Voy WD WIP
Hermione was known as the smartest witch of her age, little did she know with a new prophecy in the makes, a huge historical secret, and a little plotting from an unlikely duo . . .She's about to become the most powerful in all the wizarding AU/AR
Of Days and Ends -:- by phoenixrhapsodyv3 -:- Updated : April 18, 2010 6:10 pm
Content Tags : Bond Herm M/F WIP
When Hermione finds Snape, she is trusted with the secret location of Merlin's Book of Days and Ends. A Potions accident bonds them together. Can Hermione be as good a spy as Severus. The final battle is near. fic,
Of Days and Ends -:- by phoenixrhapsodyv3 -:- Updated : April 18, 2010 6:10 pm
Content Tags : Bond Herm M/F WIP
When Hermione finds Snape, she is trusted with the secret location of Merlin's Book of Days and Ends. A Potions accident bonds them together. Can Hermione be as good a spy as Severus. The final battle is near. fic,
Hilltop Cottage -:- by neelix -:- Updated : April 11, 2010 5:58 am
Content Tags : Angst Herm M/F OC Preg
After the war, Hermione needs a break. A small house provides her with more than a sanctuary. Rated for later chapters. Completed. :)
Hilltop Cottage -:- by neelix -:- Updated : April 11, 2010 5:58 am
Content Tags : Angst Herm M/F OC Preg
After the war, Hermione needs a break. A small house provides her with more than a sanctuary. Rated for later chapters. Completed. :)
Hilltop Cottage -:- by neelix -:- Updated : April 11, 2010 5:58 am
Content Tags : Angst Herm M/F OC Preg
After the war, Hermione needs a break. A small house provides her with more than a sanctuary. Rated for later chapters. Completed. :)
Bound to Happen Again -:- by Lissa1011 -:- Updated : March 8, 2010 12:01 am
Content Tags : ChallengeFic D/s H/C Herm Tort WIP
The sequel/continuation of my Time Travel Fic, "Bound to Happen." Nineteen-year-old Hermione returns to Hogwarts. DH compliant but EWE. AU/AR,
Bound to Happen Again -:- by Lissa1011 -:- Updated : March 8, 2010 12:01 am
Content Tags : ChallengeFic D/s H/C Herm Tort WIP
The sequel/continuation of my Time Travel Fic, "Bound to Happen." Nineteen-year-old Hermione returns to Hogwarts. DH compliant but EWE. AU/AR,
The Reluctant Detectives -:- by MariaTeresaQuintanar -:- Updated : February 10, 2010 5:36 pm
Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm M/F Oral
Someone is terrorizing the magical world. Is it rogue death eaters or someone they have never heard of before? It is a blackmailed Hermione Granger and Severus Snape that must find the answers, but will they find something else too?!AU/AR,
Bound to Happen -:- by Lissa1011 -:- Updated : November 28, 2009 11:35 pm
Content Tags : Bond ChallengeFic COMPLETE Fet Herm SH
. Snape finds himself in the position of shielding Hermione from the temptation of a hot-blooded and much younger man—HIMSELF. SG Time Travel Fic AU/AR,
Bound to Happen -:- by Lissa1011 -:- Updated : November 28, 2009 11:35 pm
Content Tags : Bond ChallengeFic COMPLETE Fet Herm SH
. Snape finds himself in the position of shielding Hermione from the temptation of a hot-blooded and much younger man—HIMSELF. SG Time Travel Fic AU/AR,
Bound to Happen -:- by Lissa1011 -:- Updated : November 28, 2009 11:35 pm
Content Tags : Bond ChallengeFic COMPLETE Fet Herm SH
. Snape finds himself in the position of shielding Hermione from the temptation of a hot-blooded and much younger man—HIMSELF. SG Time Travel Fic AU/AR,
Dark Lady -:- by Ms_Figg -:- Updated : November 21, 2009 9:12 am
Content Tags : Herm OC
Dark!Hermione kills Voldemort and assumes his throne. She is kind to Snape and "attentive" to Draco. HG/SS with HG/DM possible HG/LM. AU/AR, Lemons, mythology, dark, O/HG
Dark Lady -:- by Ms_Figg -:- Updated : November 21, 2009 9:12 am
Content Tags : Herm OC
Dark!Hermione kills Voldemort and assumes his throne. She is kind to Snape and "attentive" to Draco. HG/SS with HG/DM possible HG/LM. AU/AR, Lemons, mythology, dark, O/HG
The Cat's Meow -:- by Eisa -:- Updated : November 12, 2009 8:00 pm
Content Tags : Anal Anthro BDSM Bond D/s Fet HJ Herm M/F Oral S&M Spank Toys WIP
HG/SS Hermione is part kitty and Snape finds out AU/AR, Language, Minor,
Love's Strength -:- by xAingealx -:- Updated : October 20, 2009 7:08 pm
Content Tags : M/F OC WIP
Thrown together in the midst of a war, they must find their strength and trust in one another or die. Language,
Love's Strength -:- by xAingealx -:- Updated : October 20, 2009 7:08 pm
Content Tags : M/F OC WIP
Thrown together in the midst of a war, they must find their strength and trust in one another or die. Language,
All's Fair in Love and War -:- by FuchsiaScreams -:- Updated : September 23, 2009 10:23 am
Content Tags : Abuse BDSM ChallengeFic DP Exhib M/F Oral Other Preg SH Slave
When the Dark Lord is defeated and Severus Snape is freed, how will producing an heir turn into a life-threatening mission? And how does our favorite know-it-all come into play? Language, N/C,
Secrets -:- by LillySnape -:- Updated : August 18, 2009 5:10 am
Content Tags : Angst Herm M/F Preg WIP
Hermione comes back to Hogwarts to become a Potions mistress. She soon finds out there is more to Snape than she realizes. AU/AR, Language,
Dangerous Liasions -:- by littleal -:- Updated : August 10, 2009 3:55 am
Content Tags : Angst Herm Hum M/F Violence WIP
Snape wants Hermione, But is forced to kill her Parents. will she ever forgive him? or,
Eternal Mistakes On The Spotless Soul -:- by CryingCinderella -:- Updated : July 22, 2009 4:03 am
Content Tags : M/F Violence WIP
A new update! Finally! CHAPTER 20! One mistake, one night, and 39 weeks later life will never be the same. ANGST,
Eternal Mistakes On The Spotless Soul -:- by CryingCinderella -:- Updated : July 22, 2009 4:03 am
Content Tags : M/F Violence WIP
A new update! Finally! CHAPTER 20! One mistake, one night, and 39 weeks later life will never be the same. ANGST,
Becoming Silhouettes -:- by RhiannonoftheMoon -:- Updated : May 15, 2009 11:56 pm
Content Tags :
SS/HG Post-DH/EWE A dangerous and bizarre illness is befalling the Wizarding world, throwing it into chaos. Now adults, the trio must band together again, and with the help of past rivals, solve its mystery.
Through the Looking Glass ~ COMPLETED -:- by Ms_Figg -:- Updated : February 28, 2009 4:52 pm
Content Tags : Dom HJ Herm M/F Oral Other SH Spank UST
Hermione Granger falls through the Mirror of Erised, and her Slytherin double ends up at Hogwarts. The hated Albus Dumbledore is the Headmaster of Hogwarts, and that honeybun Snape . . . he's a bloody Slytherin! Is the whole world mad? AU/AR, SM, Language,
Bundle of Joy -:- by LadyTuesday -:- Updated : February 24, 2009 9:50 pm
Content Tags : ChallengeFic M/F Oral Solo
Seeking: An intelligent, capable wizard amenable to assisting a bright, independent, magically-formidable single witch in the conception of a child. Insemination only: no sexual congress; non-negotiable. AU/AR, Language, F, M
Where do we go from here? -:- by jasminejoanleigh -:- Updated : January 20, 2009 2:03 pm
Content Tags : Abuse Angst H/C HJ Humil M/F Tort Violence
when all those she loves abondons her, where will she turn?will the ministy force her to marry? when all there is, is darkness where can she find the light? And most importantly what is the secret she is so desperate to hide? AU/AR, AU/AR, Language,
Your Hand in Marriage -:- by ladyoferos -:- Updated : January 3, 2009 6:13 am
Content Tags : BDSM Bond Herm
Marriage Law, my favorite cliche. Hermione finds herself backed into a Marriage with Professor Snape. She is forced to become honest with her long secret heritage, and struggles to find out if light and dark are really what they seem. AU/AR, Deat
The Mentor -:- by wishyouwere -:- Updated : December 27, 2008 8:22 pm
Content Tags : Herm Oral Preg Solo Spank Voy
Added Chapter 20 Nov. 30. Non-canon story of the love between Severus and Hermione that starts on the battlefield the day Voldemort died F, M,
Child of New Beginnings -:- by triz -:- Updated : December 26, 2008 10:10 pm
Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm
Before the fall of Voldemort, Hermione's life had been torn apart by the one person she trusted the most. Time has passed, and it has caught up with her. No longer can she hide from the truth. No longer can she hide from Severus.
Child of New Beginnings -:- by triz -:- Updated : December 26, 2008 10:10 pm
Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm
Before the fall of Voldemort, Hermione's life had been torn apart by the one person she trusted the most. Time has passed, and it has caught up with her. No longer can she hide from the truth. No longer can she hide from Severus.
My Life -:- by shanarenea -:- Updated : November 20, 2008 10:38 pm
Content Tags : Abuse H/C HJ Herm OC Preg WIP
Hermione is asked to stay at Hogwarts the summer before her final year, and brings her daughter with her.
My Life -:- by shanarenea -:- Updated : November 20, 2008 10:38 pm
Content Tags : Abuse H/C HJ Herm OC Preg WIP
Hermione is asked to stay at Hogwarts the summer before her final year, and brings her daughter with her.
The Potions Master's Baby -:- by soldiersgirl0709 -:- Updated : November 10, 2008 10:12 am
Content Tags : HJ M/F OC Oral Preg
Take a fertile witch, a reclusive wizard and a meddlesome ghost, add them together and what do you get? A funny little tale about the redemption that comes with true love. AU/AR, Language, Complete
Closer -:- by Losertastictoaster -:- Updated : November 2, 2008 11:27 pm
Content Tags : Anal HJ Herm M/F Oral Preg Rim
Major editing. Severus is alive. After the victory party Severus and Hermione have a one night stand. She falls pregnant. What will become of these two? AU/AR, Drug use
Closer -:- by Losertastictoaster -:- Updated : November 2, 2008 11:27 pm
Content Tags : Anal HJ Herm M/F Oral Preg Rim
Major editing. Severus is alive. After the victory party Severus and Hermione have a one night stand. She falls pregnant. What will become of these two? AU/AR, Drug use
The Love You Take -:- by Subversa -:- Updated : November 1, 2008 10:28 am
Content Tags : Herm WIP
Now Complete! ~Winner Rd 3 Quill to Parchment for Best Fanon Het, Best AU, Best !~ Hermione is cursed by the Death Eaters, and Dumbledore believes Professor Snape is the only one who can help her and keep her safe. Hermione is 18 years old.
The Love You Take -:- by Subversa -:- Updated : November 1, 2008 10:28 am
Content Tags : Herm WIP
Now Complete! ~Winner Rd 3 Quill to Parchment for Best Fanon Het, Best AU, Best !~ Hermione is cursed by the Death Eaters, and Dumbledore believes Professor Snape is the only one who can help her and keep her safe. Hermione is 18 years old.
Desperately -:- by MysticRaven86 -:- Updated : October 24, 2008 8:16 pm
Content Tags : HJ Herm M/F Oral WIP
With Voldemort gone everyone is free to relax a little unless your Hermione Granger. Arousing dreams lead Hermione and Severus together and as they try to sate their lust for one another trouble rears it's ugly head.
Desperately -:- by MysticRaven86 -:- Updated : October 24, 2008 8:16 pm
Content Tags : HJ Herm M/F Oral WIP
With Voldemort gone everyone is free to relax a little unless your Hermione Granger. Arousing dreams lead Hermione and Severus together and as they try to sate their lust for one another trouble rears it's ugly head.
#9 ~ The Snapes in the Family Way or Oh Baby! -:- by Ms_Figg -:- Updated : October 3, 2008 6:47 pm
Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm M/F
Hermione is having Severus' first child. Basic Slice-of-Life fic. Lemon ***D***
She Said What? -:- by ladydeathfaerie -:- Updated : October 1, 2008 2:29 pm
Content Tags :
The Potions Master and the Know It All are thrown together against their will when an innocent comment sparks the entire school's interest. SS/HG OMG!!! it's a new chapter!!!! 25.August.2007
She Said What? -:- by ladydeathfaerie -:- Updated : October 1, 2008 2:29 pm
Content Tags :
The Potions Master and the Know It All are thrown together against their will when an innocent comment sparks the entire school's interest. SS/HG OMG!!! it's a new chapter!!!! 25.August.2007
Disguised Affections -:- by Dressagegrrrl -:- Updated : September 28, 2008 1:46 pm
Content Tags : COMPLETE Exhib HJ Oral SH
- SG. SS is #1 on the Dth Eater hit-list after the fall of Vold. His memory is wiped when he is attacked, and to buy time to find a solution, Dmbldore hides him amngst the 7th yrs under a glamour and the watchful eye of HG AU/AR,
Deliver Me -:- by TriniMinx -:- Updated : September 21, 2008 3:15 am
Content Tags : COMPLETE
SUMMARY: SS/HG, Dr/GW, RW/BZ (in this story Blaise is a GIRL) tangled in a web of lust & loathe, romance is bittersweet - love & could there ever be trust? D/EDITED/EPILOGUE ADDED – A/U (currently being reBeta-ed/edited)
Deliver Me -:- by TriniMinx -:- Updated : September 21, 2008 3:15 am
Content Tags : COMPLETE
SUMMARY: SS/HG, Dr/GW, RW/BZ (in this story Blaise is a GIRL) tangled in a web of lust & loathe, romance is bittersweet - love & could there ever be trust? D/EDITED/EPILOGUE ADDED – A/U (currently being reBeta-ed/edited)
The Only Thing Worth Fighting For -:- by dragonsfae -:- Updated : August 25, 2008 8:27 am
Content Tags : Abuse Angst Herm M/F Other Rape
Hermione isn't who she thought she was, Voldemort isn't the big bad, and Dumbledore is well Dumbledore... Language, Minor,
The Only Thing Worth Fighting For -:- by dragonsfae -:- Updated : August 25, 2008 8:27 am
Content Tags : Abuse Angst Herm M/F Other Rape
Hermione isn't who she thought she was, Voldemort isn't the big bad, and Dumbledore is well Dumbledore... Language, Minor,
A Thief to Catch a Thief; a Death Eater to Catch a -:- by Utopia -:- Updated : February 23, 2008 5:47 pm
Content Tags : Bond D/s HJ M/F Oral Solo Spank Toys WIP
Lucius becomes an auror, rather than spend time in azkaban AU/AR, F, M,
Laying the Blame -:- by ksevfansd -:- Updated : October 30, 2005 12:00 am
Content Tags : Herm M/F
Frustrated by her new husband and obsessed with her father-in-law, Hermione is looking for someone to blame. Hermione/Lucius, touch of Draco/Hermione Slash, voy, solo,
A Winter Tale -:- by Bylle -:- Updated : June 18, 2004 12:00 am
Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm
It's once again the Marriage Law Challenge, but this time Hermione gets the man she would at least think of - and actually: He wouldn't have thought of marrying her either. But sometimes strange things happens ...
A Winter Tale -:- by Bylle -:- Updated : June 18, 2004 12:00 am
Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm
It's once again the Marriage Law Challenge, but this time Hermione gets the man she would at least think of - and actually: He wouldn't have thought of marrying her either. But sometimes strange things happens ...
A Winter Tale -:- by Bylle -:- Updated : June 18, 2004 12:00 am
Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm
It's once again the Marriage Law Challenge, but this time Hermione gets the man she would at least think of - and actually: He wouldn't have thought of marrying her either. But sometimes strange things happens ...
Out of Harm\'s Way -:- by BrightColors -:- Updated : February 3, 2004 12:00 am
Content Tags : Herm M/F
Hermione has temporarily lost her powers in a battle with Voldemort. Remus keeps her safe. HG/RL
Movies -
The Scythe's Song -:- by hallowedmaiden -:- Updated : February 21, 2018 12:14 am
Content Tags : Fingering HC HJ MF OC Oral
Immortality is a gift, one that two lives have enjoyed for almost three centuries. But even an immortal life can experience darkness. Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann have touched it, survived it, but does their reaper still lay in wait to claim them?
Sparrabeth, Future AU (Fountain of Youth fic), disregards OST and DMTNT, disregards Willabeth marriage. Previously titled Rivalry.
ManEater -:- by tinamonic -:- Updated : July 10, 2011 10:12 am
Content Tags : M/F WIP
I have left two men with broken hearts. How can I be so careless? I must mend the heart of the man I truly love. J/E POV descriptive, sex scenes, ORAL, Nominated for Best Romance fic in the PotC_votes Livejournal Awards!
An Eye for an Eye, A Kiss for a Kiss -:- by AddictedToJack -:- Updated : December 15, 2009 5:42 am
Content Tags : M/F Oral WIP
Jack and Lizzie are happy and drunken with love.Will their relationship last or will it be destroyed by jealousy and lack of trust? J/E,
An Eye for an Eye, A Kiss for a Kiss -:- by AddictedToJack -:- Updated : December 15, 2009 5:42 am
Content Tags : M/F Oral WIP
Jack and Lizzie are happy and drunken with love.Will their relationship last or will it be destroyed by jealousy and lack of trust? J/E,
Unforgivable -:- by Jawala39 -:- Updated : February 18, 2009 12:42 pm
Content Tags :
Elizabeth is finding pregnancy an uncomfortable business, so Jack offers to show her a little something he learned in Singapore...
Caribbean Hybrid -:- by Wickedpiratez -:- Updated : May 12, 2008 11:09 am
Content Tags : COMPLETE M/F
!! Jack Sparrow has a rather furry problem, and finding out that the beautiful Elizabeth Swan is now unattached is just going to really ruffle the matter. Furs, Lemon,
Caribbean Hybrid -:- by Wickedpiratez -:- Updated : May 12, 2008 11:09 am
Content Tags : COMPLETE M/F
!! Jack Sparrow has a rather furry problem, and finding out that the beautiful Elizabeth Swan is now unattached is just going to really ruffle the matter. Furs, Lemon,
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