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Member Since 2017-06-23 -:- Recomendations : 0

Recomended Reading

Harry Potter
  • Care -:- by SaitouLover -:- Updated : September 4, 2013 9:09 pm
    Content Tags : Anal BDSM Fingering M/M Scat Tort Toys
    Harry no longer has to take care of himself. Enema,  Slight Unintentional (1st chapter only) There is Plot!

  • Creature Feature -:- by Vampirezdarkgurl -:- Updated : March 22, 2013 3:00 pm
    Content Tags : Anal COMPLETE M/M MPreg
    Harry Potter has never been classified as normal. Not in all the almost 18 years he's been alive, but when he's invited to attend a gathering for his kind his life is about to change even more. ()

  • The Midnight Bloodline -:- by Yokailover -:- Updated : July 5, 2010 10:53 pm
    Content Tags : Abuse Anal Anthro Beast D/s DP H/C HJ M/M MPreg Oral Rim Shouta Solo Tent
    A trip to Japan with the Durleys should have been normal, but when you're Harry Potter nothing is normal. Harry/Many, Harem Harry Potter/Inuyasha Crossover, Language, M, Yaoi

  • Companionship -:- by Lina03 -:- Updated : October 27, 2009 6:31 pm
    Content Tags : WIP
    Harry Potter finds himself in another universe. What is he going to do in a place where magic doesn't exist?...And how does Superman work his way into Harry's new life?...A HP/Superman crossover AU/AR,

  • My Warriors, My Beloveds -:- by ArwendeImladris -:- Updated : April 30, 2009 3:49 pm
    Content Tags : Anal Oral UST
    An attractive youth with fair skin, jewel eyes, and pointed ears attracts the attention of Thorongil: the man we will come to know as Aragorn. Too bad the elves are convinced Harry will be perfect for Prince Legolas of Mirkwood.

  • Hiss Me, Harry -:- by lojenn -:- Updated : January 5, 2007 12:00 am
    Content Tags : Anal Oral Rim
    Neko!Harry fic. Harry is turned into a catboy. Draco likes cats. Be warned... This story is cute and humorous. --- Lemon, Dub-con. Complete.

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