Member Since 2012-04-16 -:- Recomendations :
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Anime -
Devil Share -:- by sainmoth14 -:- Updated : July 21, 2013 2:39 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Angst Anthro BDSM B-Mod D/s Dom DP Exhib Fet Fingering H/C HJ Humil MC M/M MiCD Oral Other Rim Solo Spank TF Toys UST Violence Voy WAFF WD WIP
Perona goes to Moria's vault and grabs a weapon "given to him" by Dr. Vegapunk. She believes it can steal Devil Fruit Users powers. She is wrong. Luffy gets hit with the weapon. Perona gets 2 devil fruit abilities but so does Luffy.
Ghost Force -:- by sainmoth14 -:- Updated : September 29, 2012 2:12 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Angst Anthro Beast B-Mod D/s DP Exhib Fet Fingering H/C HJ Humil MC M/M Minor2 Oral Other Rim Solo Spank TF Toys UST Violence Voy WD WIP
Ash gets 3 ghostly Pokémon that teach him so much.
Model Behavior -:- by modeac -:- Updated : September 16, 2012 5:46 am
Content Tags : Dom Exhib Humil M/F Oral
Ash faces the consequences of disrepecting and losing to the Nimbasa Gym Leader... Ash/Elesa pairing.
Ash\'s Perfect Slut -:- by TheInspector -:- Updated : August 30, 2012 12:51 am
Content Tags : BDSM Dom M/s
Misty remembers a night with Ash.
Battle Rules -:- by sainmoth14 -:- Updated : August 3, 2012 11:38 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Angst BDSM D/s Dom Exhib Fet Fingering H/C HJ Humil M/M M/s Oral Other Rim Solo Spank Toys UST Violence WD WIP
Tsuji challenges Kenichi to a fight and the loser becomes the winners slave/subordinate. Tsuji loses cause he thinks he’s found a fighting style that can beat Kenichi boy was he wrong. Apart of my anti uke project , rare pairing project
Path of Least Resistance -:- by SolomonSilvertongue -:- Updated : April 3, 2012 6:46 pm
Content Tags : Abortion Abuse AFFO Anal Angst Anthro BDSM Beast B-Mod BP Contro CR D/s Exhib Fet Humil loli MC MiCD Minor1 Other PWP Rape Rim S&M Tent Tort Violence Voy WIP WS
With her pokemon weak, young Misty, fresh on her adventure into the world of pokemon, finds an out-of-place threat in the forest. Made worse by the arrival of some passersby Fic,
The Trainer's Journey -:- by reddragon -:- Updated : October 19, 2011 9:55 pm
Content Tags : Beast Bi F/F HJ M/F OC Oral Tent Violence Voy
Ashley is just starting out on her own in the wide world of Pokemon. Little does she know that great forces are at work to shape her into a great savior or a terrible weapon... 3+, Character Deaths
Master Syaoran -:- by LemonLoser -:- Updated : January 15, 2008 12:00 am
Content Tags : Anal BDSM Beast Bi Dom DP Exhib F/F Fist HJ Inc M/F M/M Oral PWP Rim Solo Toys Voy
Sakura loves Syaoran. She would do everything he says, no matter what it is. In fact, everyone loves Syaoran and would do everything he says. F/ M/ Minor, Moresome, F, M, Yaoi, Yuri
Harry Potter -
Dudley Cucks Harry -:- by AmateurGuy21 -:- Updated : March 10, 2016 12:23 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Bi CR D/s Dom Exhib Fet HJ Humil Inc M/F M/s Oral Solo Voy WIP
Join Dudley on his daily life as he makes a cuckold out of his cousin
Candy -:- by TheDarkWonker -:- Updated : October 16, 2014 2:09 pm
Content Tags : Anal BDSM Bigotry B-Mod CBT CR D/s Exhib Fingering Fist F/D Herm Humil Inc MC M/s Oral Rim Slave Solo TF Toys Trans WIP
Can a sweet change the fate of the world? of course it can. !Harry CumAddicted!Harry Whore!Harry Master!Snape
Harriline Potter, Mistress of the Nine -:- by Kittfox7 -:- Updated : November 14, 2012 5:23 am
Content Tags : AFFO Anal BDSM B-Mod CR D/s Dom DP F/F Fet Fingering Fist F/D GB Herm Humil MC M/s Minor2 Oral Rim S&M Slave Solo Spank TF Tort Toys WIP WS
Following the events at the Department of Mysteries, wanders off and finds himself in the CHamber of Secrets. Here he discovers the true Harry, and...she's not what he'd ever expected. 3+,
Being Wanted -:- by ChaoticReactions -:- Updated : July 31, 2012 1:35 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal BDSM Bi B-Mod CBT CR D/s Dom DP Exhib F/F Fet Fingering Fist GB HJ Humil Inc MC M/F M/M M/s Minor2 Oral Other PWP Rim S&M Slave Solo Toys Voy
Harry gets a present that changes his life, and himself. After, he has the tools to make anyone his. He'll be collecting. Whore!Harry, every pairing and kink I can stand to write
Vernon's Slut -:- by sluttysub -:- Updated : June 5, 2012 11:04 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal ChallengeFic Dom DP Exhib Fingering Fist Humil Inc M/M Minor2 Oral PWP Rim Spank Toys Voy WIP
Harry spends his summer after fourth year receiving some special training from his uncle. It comes in quite useful back at Hogwarts too
Only a Slave -:- by scaramouche36 -:- Updated : August 12, 2011 11:50 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse Anal BDSM Bigotry CBT Dom M/s Oral Peg Rim Slave Tort WS
Harry is abducted by Bellatrix to be her personal sex slave. Intense femdom themes.
Avenging a Wand\'s loss. -:- by SSjDiizoid -:- Updated : May 30, 2011 4:28 pm
Content Tags : Abuse COMPLETE Herm Humil M/F Oneshot Oral Rape UST
Harry makes sure Hermione pays for what she did to his wand in Deathly Hallows. Fic,
Primal -:- by PrimalDragon -:- Updated : April 27, 2011 4:48 pm
Content Tags : Abuse Anal Angst BDSM Bi BP CBT Contro D/s Dom Herm Humil M/F M/M M/s Oral PWP Rape S&M Slave Tort Violence WIP WS
A primal instinct awakens in Harry durring the first task. Now he is out to take what is his. Harry/Ron/Hermione/?? Full warnings listed for unposted chapters. 3+, Fic,
Droit de seigneur -:- by knj4k4 -:- Updated : March 31, 2011 2:44 pm
Content Tags : Abuse Anal Angst BDSM Bi BP CBT COMPLETE Contro CR D/s Dom Exhib Humil Inc MC M/s Minor2 Oral S&M Slave Toys
harry finds the real reason Slytherin was cast out of Hogwarts, Sex magic. He uses it to take over the world. 3+,
Wave of Mutilation -:- by SalonKitty -:- Updated : March 15, 2011 1:36 am
Content Tags : Abuse Anal Angst ChallengeFic COMPLETE MC M/F M/M Minor2 Non-Fic Oneshot Rape
Bellatrix gets the Golden Ticket, courtesy of her Lord and Master. Ickle Harry is in for quite a ride. 3+, Fic
Of Magic and Folly -:- by Phantomhive -:- Updated : January 24, 2011 5:38 am
Content Tags : Anal Angst BDSM Bi Contro H/C HJ Inc M/F M/M Minor1 Minor2 Oral WIP
On that fateful night Lily, thanks to Severus’ begging, keeps her life, as does her son Harry. Yet, with her husband dead it is no longer young Harry that Lily sees when she gazes down at her son, but the image of her husband, James. AU/AR, Language,
Slave to Belitrix -:- by Bubbahork -:- Updated : November 27, 2010 1:58 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus AFFO BDSM Bigotry Bond CBT COMPLETE D/s Dom F/F GB Humil M/s Oral S&M Slave WS
title says all
The Collar And The Carrot -:- by dmdarklord -:- Updated : November 13, 2010 8:06 am
Content Tags : Abuse Angst BDSM Bond CBT COMPLETE D/s M/s Oneshot Slave Toys
! With a magical collar Harry is the docile slave in the Dursley house. As for the Carrot... well, that's the most food Harry's had all week! NonCon,
Ginny -:- by oldman543 -:- Updated : November 12, 2010 9:43 pm
Content Tags : Anal F/F M/F Oral Slave
Harry Potter sees Ginny follow Draco Crab and Golye down to the forbiden forest. When he gets there to the site of Ginny's striping under the imperius curse harry defends her but when he's done he can't keep his eye's off Ginny's naked bod M/
One Summer Afternoon -:- by megadeth425 -:- Updated : April 18, 2010 8:00 pm
Content Tags : HJ Inc loli M/F Oral PWP Solo
Ron and Ginny are home alone, and Ron can't believe what she's wearing. Minor, M
Primal -:- by sarcastrow -:- Updated : February 22, 2009 5:07 pm
Content Tags : Bi ChallengeFic COMPLETE F/F Herm Oral Voy
In the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts love blossoms, in a BIG way. Hagrid/Maxime, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, ll/Fleur Luna/Dean, Neville/Mandy, George/Cho/Angelina, M/ Moresome,
Naruto -
Scrying with Blood -:- by Blackkitten23 -:- Updated : May 1, 2020 12:08 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus B-Mod BP CR Exhib Fet Fingering GB H/C HJ M/F Oral Preg Rim Solo Tent Tort Toys Violence Voy Anal Hj COMPLETE
Konoha has brought nothing but pain and fear to Naruko, but no one knows that she has found a powerful ability because of the abuse she has endured and it might help her find a real home, one free of ulterior motives ... Naruko / male harem
Heroes Journey -:- by WogBoyAC -:- Updated : June 5, 2012 7:16 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal F/D GB Inc Minor1 Minor2 OC
The village sees him as a Hero but they don't know who his parents are. Konoha knows about the Uchiha Coup. WARNING: the women in this story are Futanari. Naruto X Futa Harem.
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