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Member Since 2002-12-07 -:- Recomendations : 7

  • Bio

    I mostly write about slash (male/male relations), but I am openminded. Yes, i'm a girl, and flames don't hurt me. I may write incest, beastality, bdsm, and anything else that might squick you. That is your only warning. I used to write in the Gundam Wing series, and since others have asked about those fics, I will be posted them on here as well. is my journal for what is going on and stuff, if anyone cares to wonder what's going on with me. No, I will not be emailing anyone to let them know about when I update; that's what my Mailing List is for! Link is in my LiveJournal.

    I'm writing in the Merlin fandom right now, and I will be posting fics from it soon. :)

  • Website :
  • My Journals / Blogs
  • Live Journal -:- Insane Journal -:- Dreamwidth
  • My Messengers
  • lunadeath2008

  • Other Social Media
  • -:- Tumblr -:- Deviant Art
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