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Member Since 2003-11-06 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    Well, I think some of you know me know or mediaminer.or both sites which holds my work under the name Haruka-chan1 and Haruka-chan. If any of you want to read ahead in any of my fics go on ahead to where I have updated chapters. I'm very fond of certain coupling such as Shido/Riho who I think is perfect. I know a lot of people find Riho annoying but I like her. The annoying characters in anime/manga are usually the ones that have deep emotional problems. But they really are a cute couple. Next I'm a BIG fan of Sesshoumaru and Rin along with Inu-yasha and Kagome and Miroku and Sango but Sess and Rin are my favorite most of my fics are about them. I write romance though I have some personal problems which leads me to disagree with what I write sometimes (sounds dumb I know) but that's just the way I am. I try to write things that will make readers happy and give something back in the process. I'm very out spoken so if you leave a flame you will see me defending my work in the next chapter. I can critics but not stupid flames. Next I would like to say a BIG sorry to those of you who read my work. I know the spelling and grammar must suck to no hell, and I'm working on that. I tend to turn he's in to she's and leave out or put in words. And my paragraphs annoy people I know but I can't write any other way. I tired the spacing but it bugs me ^^; I don't know why but it really bugs me. So sorry that is one of the things you will have to deal with. Next time you see this bio I hope I truly understand myself enough to put up an actual bio. ^^ Thank you for reading!

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