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Member Since 2003-09-28 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    Alleyprowler was born at a very young age and was raised by albino alligators in the sewers of Seattle. At the age of 10 she became a mercenary Girl Scout, ruthlessly selling cookies to the highest bidder, but was arrested at the age of 12 for forging merit badges. She subsequently spent some hard time in the Alice B. Toklas School for Wayward Girls, where she learned the gentle arts of knitting, origami, and taking someone out with a paperclip. She joined the Marines at 18, but was kicked out 12 hours later for being too erratic and deviant to be a trained killer. Her current hobbies include: Trading hair care tips with Frida Kahlo via Ouija board, fashioning zoo animals out of cooked spaghetti and duct tape, perfecting the art of applied paranoia, and writing GW fanfics. At least one of the above sentences is entirely true
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