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Member Since 2004-10-22 -:- Recomendations : 0

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  • Seeing Red
    Spike succeeds in raping Buffy at the end of 'Seeing Red', who is sent into shock from the encounter. The following events send her over the edge -- can Faith save Buffy from herself?
    Located : -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > FemmeSlash - Female/Female > Buffy/Faith
    Content Tags : F/F
    Posted : 2005-07-04 -:- Edited : 2005-07-10 19:06:30 -:- (16)Read Reviews -:- Views : 4188 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

  • Silent Voices
    Buffy has been secretly crushing on Faith, but hasn't had the courage to voice her feelings, afraid of how Faith might reaction. But now something has happened, and Buffy may lose her chance to tell Faith how she feels forever.
    Located : -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > FemmeSlash - Female/Female > Buffy/Faith
    Content Tags : F/F
    Posted : 2004-10-23 -:- Edited : 2005-07-02 00:45:06 -:- (53)Read Reviews -:- Views : 5977 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

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