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Member Since 2004-10-17 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    March 20, 2005 Just a quick update to say "I'm not dead yet...I think I'll go for a walk." (ah...Monty Python did that so much better than I ever could!) :P I have *not* given up on continuing "We Belong" or "Beneath the Skin"! Real life has simply reared its pesky head and has made Scherezade look away from the wonderful world of fanfics for the moment. Grumble grumble. In fact, I've had to renege on my beta-ing for the wonderful Trusuprise (Corporate Deceptions) and YoukaiMusashi (Love Poison) - go read those stories - for the time being. I definitely hope to get back to writing soon though. To those who've written to me wondering if my stories have come to an end, heck NO! Please be patient with me, okay? :)

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