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Member Since 2007-10-23 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    I am a writer who wishes she was more talented who lives in Glasgow, Scotland. I study Law and enjoy Tartan Noir, I want to be a criminal lawyer so I am drawn to the dark and the seedy. Just as well given that I like my writing to be dark and/or realistic. I used to work for the British militaryMessage me on here if you want to have a natter. I enjoy writing sexy stories with drama, horror and as much realism as I can inject into my tales. I am also a big film and music buff and I like to homage my favourites. Points go to those who can guess what film they are from :). To be specific I am a big horror fan and always have been, from games, to books to film, these days I can be commonly found to be watching Mark Gatiss' History of Horror I like, Devil May Cry, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Harry Potter, Ian Rankin, Phillip Pullman, Sherlock Holmes, HP Lovecraft, Glen Duncan, Bones, Spooks, West Wing, Mad Men, Batman, Shakespeare, Vladmir Nabokov, John Steinbeck. In the Thick of it, In the Loop and others. You might notice a couple of old stories that have been banging about for a while. These will be done just I don't have a lot o time these days to fulfill my hobby. However I will admit I have more of a thing going for Resident Evil right now than I do anything else so if its an Resi story you are wanting you are in luck at the moment. I am also a freelance radio journalist and tend to work on political stories but mostly I am a worker in mental health and with those with learning difficulties and disabilities. I am an anorak. The one fic I am feeling a lot for right now is Promise- I remember back in the day (the day being around the 2002/3 mark) it was just me and some guy called fan fic writer UK here who liked the Wesker/Claire ship. Now its everywhere like a dose of crabs. Not a bad thing lots of good fics out there and many of them are in my favourite stories list. I urge you to read them. Anyway Promise is a W/C with hopefully a twist (or two) to make it stick out from all the other fics out there. Be warned though the main inspirations for this story have been X-men 2, Species and Dracula 2000. No really. Please R&R as I am trying to get my arse back in the game and would like constructive critique to improve my work. I warn you Promise is extremely dark and is meant to be genuinely unsettling this is not your usual Claire gets infected and manages to control it fic. If I say Lisa Trevor I hope you know the level of disturbing I am aiming for. This is not a conventional Wesker/Claire and does not see them riding off into the sunset rather it ends in horrific tragedy. I feel really chuffed by it once we get by the first chapter and I hope you will stick with it when it goes up. This fic deals with mental illness so if that makes you squeamish please don't read it. I also did a lot of reading on PTSD and how survivors of September 11th, Katrina or the July the 7th bombings cope or in some cases don't cope with what has happened to them. i know this sounds incredibly pompous but that was the only real life scenario i could think of. I am trying to make it as realistic as possible the emotions and feelings that would be endured by the characters and I may fall flat on my face but I will give it a go. Wesker and Claire are the two most well rounded characters in the Resident Evil universe. I enjoy the Ripley-esque nature of Claire despite her being at times sarcastic and with her own wit (though I doubt we will see it much with all the Leon hardons Capcom has these days) Wesker himself? Whats not to love here in a villian. Looks good in uniform, dry wit, calculating, machiavellian and not much gets by those shades. I must add I do not like the Wesker character from Re 4 onwards. I do however like the charactersation of Wesker in the following: REmake, Zero, CVX and both of the Chronicles series. These games show that ultimately Wesker still has human desires and wants and most importantly a dry wit.

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