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Member Since 2024-08-22 -:- Recomendations : 0

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Harry Potter
  • Crimson Ink -:- by Blackkitten23 -:- Updated : March 17, 2021 11:01 am
    Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse Ageplay Anal Bond Fingering HC HJ M/M MPreg Oral Rim Solo Spank Toys UST Violence Voy Harem COMPLETE
    After a 'mix up' at the ministry, while all of the Malfoy's items are being searched for dark magic, Tom Riddle's diary falls into the hands of Arabella Figg and she unknowing dumps it in Harry's possession during babysitting. What would Voldemort's youngest soul fragment think of Harry's abusive relatives? ... Harem

  • Harry Potter and the Breeding Darkness -:- by Danyealle -:- Updated : August 22, 2016 9:44 pm
    Content Tags : Angst Fingering H/C HJ MC M/M MiCD Minor2 Oral Rim Solo Tort Toys Violence WIP
    Sequel to Descent Into Darkness. Harry escapes Privet Drive and Dumbledore for the summer after his fourth year by staying with Tom. Death Eater meetings, training, and discovering new depths to his relationship with(full summary inside) D,

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