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Member Since 2024-04-27 -:- Recomendations : 0

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Harry Potter
  • Hary Potter & Kinks Galore -:- by KinkyEJ -:- Updated : April 19, 2022 6:13 pm
    Content Tags : 3Plus ABDL Abuse AFFO Ageplay Anal Angst BDSM Beast Bi Bigotry BMod Bond CBT Contro CR Cuck Dom DP Ds Exhib Fet Fingering Fist HJ Humil Inc MC MF Minor2 Ms Oral Rape Rim SandM SH Slave Solo Spank TBDL TF Tort Toys Voy WD WIP WS
    Harry Potter is growling tired of acting stupid, of dumbing himself down. He's also very tired of hiding his true desires. With the unknown Horcrux being destroyed in his head thanks to the basilisk venom he was injected with at the end of his second year and befriending the Goblins the very next summer, he became almost completely free of the Dumbledore's manipulations... But then he was drafted into the Triwizard Tournament against his will, but he will use it to his advantage, that and some really weird laws that are on the books, even if they're forgotten about.

  • Family of Debauchery -:- by FestiveBoi -:- Updated : February 9, 2021 7:12 am
    Content Tags : 3Plus Bi BMod Contro CR Dom Ds Fet Inc loli Minor1 Oral PWP WIP WS
    Hermione’s parents are Hedonists, and sex has been in her life since she was born, along with everything from drugs, to nipple piercings and body tattoos. However, with Hermione in Hogwarts, Dan and Emma Granger adopt a young girl from the Chinese Black Market as a temporary replacement. [WARNING THIS CONTAINS FUCKED UP SHIT LIKE DRUG USE, UNDERAGED, WATERSPORTS/PISS DRINKING, COCK WORSHIP, MIND BREAK]

  • Cracked -:- by Mermaid-in-a-Manhole -:- Updated : February 18, 2020 2:05 am
    Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse Anal BDSM Bi Bond ChallengeFic Contro Dom Ds Fingering Humil Inc MC MF MiCD Minor1 Minor2 Ms Oral Preg Rape SandM SH Slave Spank TF Tort Toys Violence WIP
    Seven days after Sirius' death, Harry's mentality snaps. He decides that what he wants most in the world is to be left alone, with a slave or two to keep him sated. Fortunately, things at the Will reading go his way, and he leaves with Tonks as his first slave. Over the summer, he proves to be a cruel man when in power over others as he steadily gathers more slaves. He wants out of Britain, and nothing will stand in his way. Dragen's Slave Challenge, cross posted to AO3 and HP Fanfic Archive. Complete.

  • Harry Potter: Amoral and Amorous -:- by MathiasBlue -:- Updated : February 25, 2015 4:07 pm
    Content Tags : Anal BDSM Bond Contro Humil Inc MC M/F Minor1 Minor2 Oral PWP Rape Slave
    The soul in Harry's head ends out giving him ideas of a decidedly perverse nature after the events in the Chamber of Secrets

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