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Member Since 2017-10-05 -:- Recomendations : 7

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  • Two Too Many
    Drifting through the vast, limitless void of space, Samus Aran has set off on a trail of confusion left in the wake of endless reports within the Federation. The Space Pirates had returned in full force, scattering their soldiers to the far edge of space, while attacking Federation bases at random. Yet, which events would follow when a report blasts in through the radio about a fabled Bounty Hunter running amok at a research station?
    Located : +M through R > Metroid
    Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse Anal Bond CR Dom DP Ds FD FF Humil Oral Spank
    Posted : 2019-02-05 -:- Edited : 2019-02-05 11:39:24 -:- (3)Read Reviews -:- Views : 11415 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

  • Noxious Acid
    The Dread Citadel, Naxxramas; a blight upon human history. After the imprisonment of Sargeras, the citadel has once more come to life, with reports flowing in from the residents of Dragonblight and Wyrmrest Temple alike. The parties have gathered, a quest has been issued, but when a party of five are faced with the dread of the Plague Quarter, which vile secrets will be uncovered?
    Located : +S through Z > World of Warcraft
    Content Tags : CR Dom Ds Exhib FD Humil MC OC Solo Spank Voy
    Posted : 2018-10-30 -:- Edited : 2018-10-30 01:57:27 -:- (0)Read Reviews -:- Views : 2863 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

  • Welcome to the Alliance
    A conflict between the Light and the Void was bound to spring up; though none expected it to be an aftereffect of the recruitment of the Lightforged Draenei and the Void Elves. Setting aside their religious views, a Void Elf enters the home of all rookie adventurers, the Lion's Pride Inn found in the center of Goldshire, though the Light found there has changed over time.
    Located : +S through Z > World of Warcraft
    Content Tags : Anal Ds FD FF Fist Hum MC OC Oral SandM Spank
    Posted : 2018-04-04 -:- Edited : 2018-04-04 07:09:05 -:- (0)Read Reviews -:- Views : 6542 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

  • Drunken Demons
    One should never trust those that deal with Demons, yet somehow, a human Warlock is readily accepted into the Tian Monastery to train, work and perform any menial task that may pop up. However, between having questionable pacts with his own Demons, as well as having a pandaren woman in his sights, what more can one do than indulge themselves? Surely, a modified spell should be enough to sway a youthful Monk.
    Located : +S through Z > World of Warcraft
    Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Anthro CR Dom Fist MC Ms OC Oneshot
    Posted : 2018-03-18 -:- Edited : 2018-03-18 15:22:35 -:- (0)Read Reviews -:- Views : 4188 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

  • Upgrade
    Follow Samus Aran, the fabled bounty hunter, as she travels through the world of Metroid, either hunting down targets, or the creatures themselves, while taking in new and more improved versions of armor upgrades for her Varia Suit. All chapters will be standalone.
    Located : +M through R > Metroid
    Content Tags : AFFO Anal DP FD MC Oral Solo TF Futa
    Posted : 2017-10-05 -:- Edited : 2018-05-04 03:34:55 -:- (3)Read Reviews -:- Views : 22696 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

  • Novus
    Samus Aran, the fabled bounty hunter, has received a new mission from a client within the Federation. Travel across the stars, seek out the mythical planet known only as Novus, and hunt down a prime target. However, atop the pure and tropical realm of a wildlife planet, will the hunter become the hunted?
    Located : +M through R > Metroid
    Content Tags : AFFO Anal Beast CR Dom Ds Other Solo TF UST
    Posted : 2017-10-05 -:- Edited : 2018-07-06 01:16:46 -:- (9)Read Reviews -:- Views : 22648 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

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