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Member Since 2017-09-17 -:- Recomendations : 0

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Harry Potter
  • Neighbourhood Whore -:- by Sabb402 -:- Updated : August 12, 2021 7:51 am
    Content Tags : Abuse Ageplay Anal B-Mod ChallengeFic Contro Exhib Fingering HJ M/M Minor1 Minor2 OC Oral Other Rim Solo WIP
    A nice (or not so nice) man from Privet Drive realises Harry is not being taken care of. He offers meals and protection (for a price of course) and Harry is ecstatic. *Response to Guest_InAMood's prompt 'Little Prostitute Harry'

  • Naughty Harry -:- by yamiyugi23 -:- Updated : June 28, 2016 8:06 pm
    Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse AFFO Ageplay Anal Angst BDSM Beast Bi Bond ChallengeFic D/s Exhib Fet Fingering H/C HJ Inc MC M/M M/s Minor1 Minor2 MPreg OC Oral Other Solo Spank Toys UST Voy WIP
    Harry is starved and abused by the Dursleys. One day, while watching Harry, a neighbor notices the abuse and decides to help Harry for a price. A price Harry will grow up to love.

  • Movie Magic -:- by AnaisWannabe -:- Updated : December 31, 2009 10:57 pm
    Content Tags : Abuse Anal COMPLETE Contro HJ M/M OC Oneshot PWP SH Toys Voy
    NC-17; smut. Warnings include pedophilia and costumes. Minor, N/C,

  • Noah at Rosewood Stables -:- by AnaisWannabe -:- Updated : December 31, 2009 10:51 pm
    Content Tags : Abuse Anal Angst Beast Bi Bond COMPLETE Contro Humil M/M OC Oneshot PWP Spank Toys Voy
    NC-17; smut. A Noah story. Direct sequel to "Noah's rthday." Warnings include incest, pedophilia, and bestiality. Minor, N/C,

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