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Member Since 2017-06-09 -:- Recomendations : 0

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Harry Potter
  • Adonis Vernalis -:- by EmeraldFalcon -:- Updated : April 24, 2011 2:43 am
    Content Tags : COMPLETE MC M/M OC Oneshot
    fifth in my Deadly Herb Stories! Harry while at home with the dursleys receives the most unlikely of gifts. Harry/O

  • Shadow and Ice -:- by Raven589 -:- Updated : September 13, 2010 10:39 am
    Content Tags : Anal Bigotry COMPLETE CR H/C M/M MiCD OC Oneshot TF
    So the wizarding World betrays Harry Potter. They lock him up in their paranoia and there he finds someone to love. Harry/Dementor (Oc) Dark!Harry. Betrayed!Harry

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