Member Since 2017-02-19 -:- Recomendations :
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Harry Potter -
Neighbourhood Whore -:- by Sabb402 -:- Updated : August 12, 2021 7:51 am
Content Tags : Abuse Ageplay Anal B-Mod ChallengeFic Contro Exhib Fingering HJ M/M Minor1 Minor2 OC Oral Other Rim Solo WIP
A nice (or not so nice) man from Privet Drive realises Harry is not being taken care of. He offers meals and protection (for a price of course) and Harry is ecstatic.
*Response to Guest_InAMood's prompt 'Little Prostitute Harry'
Harry's New Life -:- by NivosusWhitefox -:- Updated : November 12, 2016 1:56 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Ageplay Anal BDSM Beast Bond Dom DP Ds Exhib Humil Inc Minor1 Minor2 MM TBDL WIP WS Rape Oral Rim
Events take place the summer before Harry's third year that changes everything for him. based off an RP between a friend and I.
Lust n'Harry -:- by Pancakes_Lover -:- Updated : July 7, 2015 1:50 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus AFFO Anal Bond D/s DP Fet Fist Humil M/M Minor1 PWP Rim Toys WS
What if Harry was raised as a little slut from the beginning? What as he charms the one to pick him up for Hogwarts falls prey to his debauched state.
Four Way -:- by ThroneofSouls -:- Updated : December 31, 2011 3:29 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Beast COMPLETE DP Exhib Fet Inc M/M Minor2 Oral PWP Toys
A little consensual between Harry, James, Sirius & Remus.
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