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Member Since 2015-08-04 -:- Recomendations : 0

Recomended Reading

Harry Potter
  • Rounds -:- by Quotewhore7 -:- Updated : April 20, 2018 4:03 pm
    Content Tags : COMPLETE Oneshot Oral Other PWP WAFF
    Draco and Hermione return to Hogwarts for the eighth year. When Pansy suggests they seek solace in one another, they find themselves wanting more than they expected. This is a short and fluffy oneshot that I needed to get out of my head.

  • Bound -:- by goldhorse -:- Updated : May 7, 2012 3:06 pm
    Content Tags : AFFO Angst BDSM B-Mod COMPLETE M/F Oral SH Tort Violence
    EDIT FINIED. When your worst enemy becomes the key to your survival, how do you cope?

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