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Member Since 2015-07-08 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    Mikurira. 19. Gemini. Blood Type O.

    Fangirl. Gamer. Hard procrastinator.

    Evangelion; KawoShin. Arashi; Ohmiya. And for other fandom; neutral. Straight or slash doesn't matter to me as long as it is real and beautiful.

    Bukan seorang yang memaksakan diri menulis. Tak ada motivasi menulis, tak akan menulis.

    Status : Saat ini hanya mood untuk menulis drabble, short-fic/oneshot.


    "I randomly write absurd story and sometimes I write random story absurdly." ― Mikurira, A Fanfiction Author

    "I didn't write it for them, I wrote it for you." ― Claude Garcia, Dans La Maison

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