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Member Since 2015-06-05 -:- Recomendations : 0

Currently Reading

  • Buffy's Bad Bet -:- by Oric13 -:- Updated : December 8, 2014 7:43 am
    Content Tags : 3Plus Anal BDSM Bi D/s Exhib F/F Fingering Fist Humil Inc MC M/F Minor2 Oral Spank Toys Voy WIP
    An unwise bet made with Faith leads to a heap of humiliation for poor Buffy. ?,

  • Buffy the Streetwalking Hooker -:- by goolecaptain -:- Updated : October 5, 2008 5:50 am
    Content Tags : Anal Angst BDSM Bi B-Mod Bond D/s Dom DP Exhib F/F Fet Fist H/C HJ Humil Inc MC M/F M/M Oral Preg S&M Slave Solo Spank Tent Tort Violence Voy Xeno
    Dru sires Joyce and they both sexually enslave Buffy and force her to work the streets of Sunnydale as a common whore. But does she dislike her new career as much as she pretends....? Crossover, F/ Language, M/ Moresome, N/C, F, VS,

  • “Thanks for lending me your body, B” -:- by Oric13 -:- Updated : May 29, 2007 6:43 am
    Content Tags : Anal D/s Exhib F/F Fist Inc M/F Spank Toys
    Faith is in Buffy’s body and screws her, her mom and her friends royally… and I mean that literally! M/ F/

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