Member Since 2015-04-02 -:- Recomendations :
Recomended Reading
Anime -
Cracking the Whip -:- by cleverkinkster -:- Updated : December 30, 2015 1:23 am
Content Tags : Anal BDSM CBT D/s Dom Humil M/F M/s Minor2 S&M Slave Spank WS
After uncovering the Third Child's submissive tendencies, Misato leads him into a Mistress/slave relationship. Both find the experience more than expected.
Working in the New Toy - Remake -:- by ScyStorm -:- Updated : October 4, 2005 12:00 am
Content Tags : Anal Bi D/s Dom M/F Oral
A young wild Umbreon is caught by a trainer, and left with a group of Eons at a Daycare Center. And they have a special role for him in their group. +, Lemon, Fem
Harry Potter -
The Making of a Dominatrix -:- by Paul_Grots -:- Updated : June 25, 2021 5:02 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal BDSM Bi Bond CBT CR D/s Dom DP Exhib F/F Fet Fingering GB HJ Herm Inc M/F M/M M/s Peg Rape Slave Solo WIP
Hermione removes the tracking spell from her wand one summer. She finds her parent's copy of the Kama Sutra one day, and decides to learn some spells related to the contents. She eagerly sets about her plan on the Hogwarts Express.
An Odd Crush -:- by harrypegger -:- Updated : June 18, 2020 6:30 am
Content Tags : Anal Dom DP HJ M/F Oral Peg Solo
Harry starts to see Pansy in a new light. Harry/Pansy F, M, ging, Fut, minor1
Libidus Maximus -:- by cleverkinkster -:- Updated : March 19, 2018 11:14 pm
Content Tags : BDSM Bond CBT Dom Ds Humil MF Ms SandM Slave Spank Anal Fingering Minor2 Solo
Harry attempts a libido enhancing spell to better please his secret dominant lover, Mistress Luna. But using the Elder Wand perhaps wasn't the best idea… Heavy femdom, chastity, pegging, maybe feminization later.
Engineering Doll Making -:- by Dragon_Ruler_06 -:- Updated : October 27, 2017 6:05 pm
Content Tags : Contro Exhib Oral Other Preg PWP WIP Various Character Death/Torture/Rape
Hogwarts has two individuals working together to torment all who have done them wrong. One by one, the Engineer will set his traps. One by one, the Doll Maker will punish those deserving with her creations. It is impossible to avoid them. Impossible to separate them. -Also posted on FF.Net-
Harry Potter and the Energumen of the Elchee -:- by The_Oddest_Exclamation -:- Updated : June 20, 2017 12:13 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse AFFO Anal B-Mod BDSM Bi Bigotry Bond BP Contro CR Dom Ds FD Fet Fingering HC HJ Hum Humil Inc M/F M/s MBP MC MiCD Minor1 Minor2 Oral Other Preg Racist Rape Rim SandM SH Slave Solo Spank TF Tort Toys UST Violence Voy WD WIP WS
I wanted to take a jab at a more logical and original story for this setting, something you very rarely see in Fanfiction, that would let me play around with some of the more common themes that permeate the Harry Potter. That means that while there will be graphic sex, among other things in this story, it won't be for a few chapters.
Also a warning for an excessive number of content tags, but I want to be through this time around, and rest assured, anything tagged will be in the story at some point.
Society of Two -:- by UmbraSuccubae -:- Updated : May 23, 2017 6:37 pm
Content Tags : AFFO DP Exhib Fingering Fist GB Herm M/F Minor1 Oral Solo Tent Voy
After Harry rescues her in first year, Hermione decides to share her lifestyle with him...
Futanari Fuck Slave -:- by The_Futanari_Author -:- Updated : February 8, 2016 12:13 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse AFFO BDSM Bi COMPLETE Contro D/s Dom Fet F/D Humil Inc M/s MiCD Minor2 Oneshot Oral Preg PWP Scat Slave WS
Holly Potter serves as the cocksheath to the devious sisters, Bellatrix and Narcissa
Come and Pee with Me, Hermione Granger -:- by Amatorius -:- Updated : January 3, 2016 4:17 am
Content Tags : Bi COMPLETE D/s F/F Fet Fingering Herm WS
An otherwise normal day takes an unexpected turn for Hermione Granger when her underclassman, Luna Lovegood draws out a side of Hermione that was kinkier than Hermione could have anticipated.
The Perfect Summer -:- by harrypegger -:- Updated : June 18, 2015 5:14 am
Content Tags : Exhib HJ M/F Minor1 Preg Solo
Harry gets to spend the summer before his third year with the Grangers instead of at the Leaky Cauldron
The Boy Who Ate Shit And... -:- by JayDee -:- Updated : June 4, 2015 3:09 pm
Content Tags : Bond B-Mod CBT ChallengeFic Contro Humil M/F Minor2 Other PWP Rape Rim Scat Solo
Harry finds himself a prisoner of Bellatrix. Briefly.
To revel with a Veela -:- by Valehtelija -:- Updated : June 1, 2015 7:54 pm
Content Tags : Anal Bi CR D/s Dom Fet M/F M/M Minor2 Oral Other Rim TF Toys WIP
It is not said without reason that Veela are inhuman.
To revel with a Veela -:- by Valehtelija -:- Updated : June 1, 2015 7:54 pm
Content Tags : Anal Bi CR D/s Dom Fet M/F M/M Minor2 Oral Other Rim TF Toys WIP
It is not said without reason that Veela are inhuman.
Like Never Before -:- by Eta -:- Updated : May 8, 2015 11:19 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Bi D/s DP MC M/F M/M Peg PWP Trans
When Ginny and Luna find Harry wearing his wifes' lingerie, they decide to make things interesting.
Teddy\'s Pack -:- by Ronin -:- Updated : April 6, 2015 2:49 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus AFFO Ageplay Anal BDSM Bi Humil Inc M/F M/M Oral PWP Rim TF WIP
With the submission of Ginevra and Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin turns the whole family into his sex slaves.
Narcissa\'s New Pet -:- by MayorHaggar -:- Updated : February 13, 2015 5:27 pm
Content Tags : COMPLETE D/s Dom HJ Humil M/F M/s Oneshot Oral PWP Rape Slave
After his ill-fated trip to Godric's Hollow during the Horcrux Hunt, Harry wakes to find that he's been captured by Narcissa Malfoy. But what does she intend to do with him?
Candy -:- by TheDarkWonker -:- Updated : October 16, 2014 2:09 pm
Content Tags : Anal BDSM Bigotry B-Mod CBT CR D/s Exhib Fingering Fist F/D Herm Humil Inc MC M/s Oral Rim Slave Solo TF Toys Trans WIP
Can a sweet change the fate of the world? of course it can. !Harry CumAddicted!Harry Whore!Harry Master!Snape
A Life for Three -:- by WerewolfWarrior -:- Updated : January 26, 2014 7:11 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Bi D/s Dom DP F/F Fingering F/D Herm M/F Oral PWP Solo Trans Voy
Hermione peeks in on Harry and Ginny getting it on in the figuration classroom. And then joins in. H/G/Hr/Pansy, Futa!MHermione, Futa!Pansy, M/ .
The Slave of Bones -:- by JayDee -:- Updated : September 30, 2013 2:50 pm
Content Tags : Anal Angst Bond ChallengeFic COMPLETE Dom Fingering HJ M/F Minor2 Oral PWP Rape Rim Slave Violence
With nothing to lose, Amelia Bones gives into her lifelong darkest fantasies and forcefully takes Harry as an unwilling sex slave.
The Broom Closet And The Bitch -:- by TheIndigoRaven -:- Updated : August 22, 2012 12:42 pm
Content Tags : Dom HJ Minor2
Harry arrives late to the Weighing of the Wands, and experiences a very different, and much more intimate 'interview' with Rita Skeeter. Harry/Rita Smut
Being Wanted -:- by ChaoticReactions -:- Updated : July 31, 2012 1:35 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal BDSM Bi B-Mod CBT CR D/s Dom DP Exhib F/F Fet Fingering Fist GB HJ Humil Inc MC M/F M/M M/s Minor2 Oral Other PWP Rim S&M Slave Solo Toys Voy
Harry gets a present that changes his life, and himself. After, he has the tools to make anyone his. He'll be collecting. Whore!Harry, every pairing and kink I can stand to write
Harry Potter and the Room of Romance -:- by ginnysfootslave -:- Updated : November 8, 2011 7:19 pm
Content Tags : AFFO D/s Dom Fet M/F Rim WS
Harry Potter has a flashback to his first kinky sexual experience with Ginny and especially her feet in the titular room.
Only a Slave -:- by scaramouche36 -:- Updated : August 12, 2011 11:50 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse Anal BDSM Bigotry CBT Dom M/s Oral Peg Rim Slave Tort WS
Harry is abducted by Bellatrix to be her personal sex slave. Intense femdom themes.
Hurts so Good -:- by bantamboy -:- Updated : August 6, 2011 10:56 pm
Content Tags : Anal BDSM Bi CBT D/s Dom Fingering HJ Herm Humil M/F M/s Oneshot Peg PWP S&M Slave Spank Tort Toys UST WS
Harry/Hermione. BottomHarry, inatrixHermione. you should read... this has been boiling in my mind for days 3+,
Slave to Belitrix -:- by Bubbahork -:- Updated : November 27, 2010 1:58 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus AFFO BDSM Bigotry Bond CBT COMPLETE D/s Dom F/F GB Humil M/s Oral S&M Slave WS
title says all
Girls & Boys -:- by SalonKitty -:- Updated : July 11, 2010 3:37 pm
Content Tags : Anal BDSM Bi B-Mod Bond Dom DP F/F Fet Humil M/F M/M Oral Peg Rim Toys Trans Voy WIP
Luna decides she'd like her Harry to become much more than just the "Boy"-Who-Lives. Mostly Harry/Luna but they get around...a lot. F/ /F/M, Language, Moresome,
Where Heroes Rush In -:- by SalonKitty -:- Updated : April 6, 2010 5:02 pm
Content Tags : Abuse Anal Angst B-Mod Bond DP Humil M/F M/M Oral Peg Rim Slave Toys
**Complete** Basically, Harry and Ginny are Voldemort's sex slaves. But those two are crafty. AU/AR, F/ Language, Minor, N/C,
A different way of looking at things -:- by radiofishlips -:- Updated : March 12, 2010 5:44 am
Content Tags : Anal BDSM Bi B-Mod Bond D/s Dom DP Exhib F/F Fist H/C HJ Herm Humil M/F Oral Preg Rim S&M Slave Solo Spank Toys Violence Voy WIP
a surprisng conversation in the summer between 6th and 7th year makes Harry think about Hermione in a whole new way AU/AR, Language, M/ Moresome, F, M,
The Soft Breaking of Harry Potter -:- by phonic36 -:- Updated : April 25, 2009 7:21 pm
Content Tags : Bond F/F HJ Oral Toys WIP
Polyjuice enables a couple of plotting Slytherin girls to have some fun with The Boy Who Lived Language, M/
When Life Is Shattered -:- by Coolone007 -:- Updated : October 19, 2004 12:00 am
Content Tags : BDSM Bi CBT Dom F/F GB Humil M/F
Harry had a great year in his fifth year. Now only two days in, his holiday, Harry's hell begins. M/ B-M(od), Fem Ped, TS
Naruto -
Naruto: Learning His True Self -:- by TheDogSage -:- Updated : November 16, 2018 3:49 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse AFFO Anal Bi B-Mod ChallengeFic Cuckold Dom DP Ds Exhib Fet Fingering HJ Humil Inc M/F M/M Minor2 Oral Peg Rim SandM Spank Toys Trans WIP
Naruto fears getting intimate with Hinata because of his small dick and lack of sexual stamina. However, when she finds out, she's supportive and understanding. But a talk with Kushina helps her understand the truth of her boyfriend, and how it's up to her to help him realize that truth about himself.
Kage Sexbomb -:- by SniperJoe -:- Updated : November 2, 2018 6:42 am
Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse Ageplay Anal Angst Anthro BDSM Beast Bi B-Mod Bond Contro D/s Dom DP Exhib Fet Fingering HJ Humil Inc loli M/F M/s Minor2 OC Oral Other Preg Rape S&M Slave Spank Tort Toys UST Voy WS Shouta Minor1 MF,MF
Naruto/Harem. Naruto/Sakura/Ino/Hinata/Hanabi/Sarada/Tsume/more
Naruto Uzumaki knew four things about being Hokage:
1. You have to be the strongest
2. You have to take care of the needs of your underlings.
3. Even if those nubile, sex starved underlings were already married.
4. Especially if they're married to your 'best friend'
Warning: Sasuke bashing. Sakura Bashing.
Lust, Love, and Friendship -:- by BigE2955 -:- Updated : June 9, 2018 7:42 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal BDSM Bi Bond Contro Cuck Dom DP Ds Fet Fingering Humil Oral WIP
"To think that all it took was him wanting to watch his wife get fucked for something like this to happen." SasuSaku, NaruHina. The idea is simple: Naruto wants to watch Sasuke plow his wife, and has to manipulate things a bit to make it happen. A swinger's party, a few hushed secrets, and a lot of sex later, and none of their lives will ever be the same. Cuckolding focus, no NTR.
Sakura's Spellbound Desire -:- by The_Lithomancer -:- Updated : February 19, 2018 12:34 pm
Content Tags : BMod CR Dom HJ Solo
Sakura hatches a plan to keep Sasuke at home breeding new heirs for the Uchiha Clan. How does she do this? Well, she bimbofies herself and fucks him like crazy :D!
Kunoichi seduction squad -:- by Mantis137 -:- Updated : January 8, 2018 6:27 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Abortion Abuse Ageplay BDSM Bi Bigotry BMod Contro Dom DP Ds Exhib Fet Fingering HJ Humil loli MF Minor2 Preg Racist Rape Rim SandM Shouta Slave Solo Tort Violence Voy WIP WS
A tradition long ended in the Leaf finally comes back, the kunoichi seduction squad. The new team led by Anko is taught in the lewd ways of the world. How will Naruko, Hinata and Ino cope with their new roles.
Sasuke & Sakura's Slut -:- by SigynSorceress -:- Updated : January 3, 2018 9:20 pm
Content Tags : BDSM Bi DP Exhib FF GB HJ Humil MF Ms Oral Solo Spank Toys Voy
Naruto is having girl problems and Sakura comes to him with an offer.
Universal Constants -:- by Heikitsune25 -:- Updated : October 6, 2017 11:10 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Bi BMod COMPLETE CR Dom Ds FD GB Herm Humil Oral Preg Spank
Naruto and Hinata love each other. They love their marriage. They love fucking like crazy. In fact, Hinata loves it so much that she decides to get another version of herself in on it! Featuring RTN Hinata
Tags: NaruHina, Paizuri, Impreg, Genderbending, futa, mindbreak
A collab between me and CompassOpposites
Naruto the Kunoichi Toy -:- by TheDogSage -:- Updated : September 23, 2017 10:24 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Abuse AFFO Anal BDSM Bond ChallengeFic Dom Ds FD Humil Minor1 Oral Peg Rape Rim SandM Spank Toys WIP WS Cuckold
Sakura had planned to humiliate Naruto by writing embarrassing things on him and taking pictures, but a discovery changes not only her plans, but Naruto's life and relationship with women as a whole.
A Clan Reborn -:- by stormwolf3710 -:- Updated : September 4, 2017 5:12 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Anthro BDSM Beast D/s Dom Exhib Fet M/s Toys WS
this is my first shot at making lemonade, naruto is told to restart not only the uzumaki clan but the namikaze and senju as well. it will be a small harem of girls his age, chapters will be when ever i really feel like it and i hope you enj
New Reality: Incubus Prince Naruto -:- by CompassOpposites -:- Updated : April 13, 2017 1:27 am
Content Tags : 3Plus AFFO Ageplay B-Mod Exhib Inc loli M/F Minor1 Minor2 OC Preg Shouta WIP
In a universe where all worlds have run together, a young, hung sex demon goes on an adventure to see what kind of pussy he can land.
Futa -:- by Heikitsune25 -:- Updated : October 11, 2016 2:02 pm
Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Anthro Beast Bi BMod Bond Dom DP Ds Exhib FD GB Herm Humil Inc loli Minor1 Minor2 Oral PWP Slave Spank Tent TF Toys
A collection of stories where everyone in the world of Naruto is a slutty Futa!
Naruko The Rare One -:- by BoH56 -:- Updated : June 25, 2015 11:33 pm
Content Tags : F/D GB Herm Inc
Ok I'm gonna level with you people, this is smut, pure unrestrained smut, featuring femnaruto and futas, with little to no plot or story, this is porn, plain and simple, with Naruko being fucked, alot, by many people. Further description in
Futas and Gloryholes -:- by DopeCrazyFreezy -:- Updated : December 5, 2014 11:37 am
Content Tags : 3Plus D/s F/F F/D HJ Minor2 Oral PWP WIP
In a nutshell, it's a story that focuses more on lemons than anything else. A little hardcore Futa on Female for now. First Chapter: Sakura and Ino
Tsunade's Harem -:- by hiroshima69 -:- Updated : October 25, 2012 9:48 pm
Content Tags : Anal Bi D/s Dom Fet Fingering F/D Humil Oral Peg Toys Trans
(Formerly: My Little tch) Returning from his trip with Jiraiya, Naruto is seduced into becoming a submissive toy for Tsunade. Futa Femdom,
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