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Member Since 2014-09-21 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio

    Hey, and welcome! I wanted to use my bio as a chance to thank those loyal readers who keep following the Slendy story and those who always show up for the one-shots as well. Writers really do need an audience, or what would be the point? In the past I used to have really complicated launch schedules for stories like Slenderman that go multi-chapter but now I just update as the spirit moves me.

    I know a lot of you really enjoyed the one-shot stories, but they are one-shots for a reason. Then you, the reader, get to carry on the story in your own mind. That is what fiction is there for, or at least mine is. And if you don't see a favorite position or kink being used, feel free to add it in in your own mind, I'd never judge anyone for what works for them.

    For those of you who continue to read the stories, I do sincerely thank you. Like all writers I can get tired and angry and frustrated because our stories are our precious little creations and we can get spastic when we feel they aren't getting enough attention. But I'm forgetting I'm not writing for the masses, I never have. I'm writing for you, yes, you. Because readers are individual people and I think sometimes I forget that. So, thank you, and I mean that.

    Legitimate feedback is welcome, flaming is not. For example, saying a scene could be longer, great! But bashing it because it wasn't exactly what you wanted or leaving a low rating with no explanation is not appreciated. Again, my stories are written so that anyone can read them and be the star, not just one gender. And who says you even have to be the gender you were born with in the story? Have fun with them!

    A lot of what I write would work either as monster yaoi or hentai, keeping the gender open for readers. So a bit of a challenge to write, but if I just picked one it might not be as fun, I think. I respect my readers' points of view and that whatever works for them works for them, and ask for the same respect. I won't judge you, ever, but certain things I don't feel comfortable writing.

    So please keep requests to characters who are consenting adults. Again, not judging you, and I do understand there are people who enjoy other things, but I like to keep things legal and consensual. Strange considering I watch my share of monster hentai and yaoi, but there you go.



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