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Member Since 2014-09-20 -:- Recomendations : 0

Currently Reading

Harry Potter
  • Madrigal -:- by Rotisserie_Cassowary -:- Updated : August 1, 2016 5:58 pm
    Content Tags : Abuse Angst COMPLETE HC HJ M/F Oral Rape Solo
    Severus Snape knows better than anyone that he's far from being considered a good man. But now he's been tasked with destroying the only person who ever saw good in him... who ever believed he could be a better man. Faced with this insurmountable obstacle, he finds hope and healing in the arms of the last person he'd ever expect. Takes place during the events of HBP. Hermione is of age. Story is complete. First half of two-part series.

  • "Unanswered Prayers" -:- by T-W-O -:- Updated : November 6, 2014 7:00 am
    Content Tags : Abuse Angst ChallengeFic COMPLETE Fingering H/C Preg
    : Sometimes the best prayers are the ones that don't get answered. SS/HG, Snape/Hermione

  • Let me help you -:- by mimi1234 -:- Updated : September 17, 2011 3:08 pm
    Content Tags : COMPLETE Fingering HJ Herm M/F Minor2 Oral Solo
    When Snape has a cruel prank played on him, Hermione comes to his aid. Will he come to hers? .

  • Just You Wait -:- by SilentGCanada -:- Updated : July 20, 2010 7:04 pm
    Content Tags : COMPLETE D/s Dom Herm M/F WAFF
    Wherein Severus Snape gives his wife Hermione a lesson in the virtue of patience. With the aid of a potion, he does an experiment to determine just how much pleasure the human body is capable of. AU/AR, Rom,

  • Dare to Dance -:- by ShilohDarke -:- Updated : April 27, 2007 12:00 am
    Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm UST WIP
    **** Hermione recieves a dare to ask Snape to dance in her last year at Hogwarts. She rises to the ocassion. Rated for later chapters. This is inspired by a story from Melisande88... Please Review!!!

  • It Happened One Hallow's Eve -:- by Ms_Figg -:- Updated : November 30, 2006 12:00 am
    Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm M/F
    Seventh-year student Hermione Granger is trapped with evil ghosts inside Hogwarts castle. Severus Snape is sent in to save the witch. They must survive until sunrise. A relationship develops. ***D*** AU/AR, Lemon,

  • Unwanted -:- by Marti -:- Updated : November 11, 2006 12:00 am
    Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm Humil Preg UST
    ~~J EDITING, THANKS FOR READING, EVERYONE!~~Hermione's taken by the Death Eaters and Snape saves her in the only way he can ***D*** PLEASE REVIEW :-)

  • The List -:- by Ms_Figg -:- Updated : January 5, 2006 12:00 am
    Content Tags : COMPLETE Herm M/F Oral
    An angry Hermione makes a list of Snape's attributes. Snape discovers it, and assigns her detention so she can explain it to him. Particularly the last entry. Draco has his own dark designs for Hermione. Lemons, ***D***

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