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Member Since 2012-12-19 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    My name is Raz I'm a fanboy. I know I know, shocking, but it's true we exist haha. I so was not supposed to write fanfiction again (this whole focusing on my original fiction kick I got on), but then I watched Supernatural which is basically when my life was completely ruined by it's perfect characters, it's awesome story, it's perfect life-ruining cast and ugh I'm sure you all understand. So here I am back to writing fanfiction. Ship you will mostly see sailing through here is Dean/Cas my OTP, like really I could go on for days about Dean/Cas but that's all meta for tumblr. I suppose since I'm back to writing fanfiction there's the possibility of also seeing some of my other ships here too. Maybe who knows some Doctor Who, BBC Sherlock or maybe a good old Naruto story. I hopefully will update regularly, but I make no promises I can be a real space cadet, so on that topic I apologize in advance for any long waits for updates. I take request so on the off chance you actually think these little stories are any good and you have a plot bunny you want to see come to fruition please feel free to let me know. If any kind sweet wonderful beta readers out there want to take on my horrific grammar please let me know. I will sing your praise from rooftops and basically worship the ground you tread upon if your willing to beta read for me. I hope I write something that entertains you. Constructive criticism is always welcome also, BS will be completely ignored.

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