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Member Since 2012-10-23 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    My name is Kawanee Hamilton, I'm 42 years old. I don't feel that old, but there are signs that I m, and I can't ignore them anymore. I am dealing with this tragedy with maturity and dignity. Which means: I joined a belly dance troupe, refuse to do housework, I started playing Xbox 360 and play on the internet as much as possible. 

    When I was a child, we didn't have a TV, and I think that not having the visual aspect of TV forced me to develop an imagination. Besides, there was always something interesting to do outside. While normal kids played out a typical household story with their dolls (be that baby dolls or Barbie) my dolls had the drama of their G.I. Joe husbands going off to war and the tearful good-byes. 

    At night my mother would read stories to us before bed. Stories like: The Happy Hollisters, The Bobbsey Twins or Nancy Drew, and she would do different voices for the characters. My dad introduced me to the sci fi writings of Andre Norten, Issac Asimov and Piers Anthony. 

    I think the first book he let me read was "The Octagon House" by Andre Norton and I was probably in first or second grade. I was a voracious reader! I composed my first story with my mom when my cat died and I asked if it went to heaven. I also told my brother an elaborate tale of how he came to live with us, and when he was 13 he said he was running away to find his real parents who lived in Oklahoma. I had some explaining to do over that one!

    I've spent some time writing on forum based role-playing sites online. I think it has greatly improved my descriptive writing, and I'd recommend that every aspiring writer to find a good site and try his or her hand at it. It's almost like a writer's battle of wits and imagination against another writers. 

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