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Member Since 2012-10-11 -:- Recomendations : 3

  • Bio

    I started writing like 20 years ago but with three kids the marriage thing...basically life got in the way of it, but with the kids grown and my body disabled, I have all the time in the world to write. It really is true, when one door closes another opens. I can finally take the time to do my greatest passion and that is writing. I have so many stories in me they seem to bust out at times, so right now I have 2 major ones going.

    I try to review al the stories I read. Sometimes I don't get around to review every chapter but I try. Please give me the same. I appreciate hearing if you are liking or not liking my stories. I will take a hard critique just not bashing as I really try hard not to bash anyone in any way. All of my stories are copyrighted so please don't steal. Okay enough of the serious stuff!

    I am having a bit of computer trouble....that is my comp is down for the count! I have about 3/4 of the money I need for a new one saved so hopefully I can write again soo.!! I will write again soon and thank you for the inquiries into my absense of stories! I will return!! I also am using my phone most of the time so I can't review as often to the stories I'm reading but when I borrow my daughter's comp I will catch up best I can! MUCH love to my readers and my favorite authors!!!!

    Hope you enjoy my works. I have really enjoyed some that I have read on here. I am in awe at the artistry I have found on this site! I love it. Happy reading and writing everyone!

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