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Member Since 2012-10-05 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    Not too much to say really. I got tired of's bullshit about ratings. I read a lot of Naruto Fics. Mainly ones with Naruto and Sakura pairings. Every now and then I'll read a harem, or a different pairing. I also like NaruxSakuxIno Fics. My profile on is Methos-Kyuubi777. I was going to post a fic on there, but with all the rating crap going on they would have deleted it. I'm quite peeved at America at the moment. I hate Obama, and do not care for Romney. No girlfriend yet. 21. And not too happy with life. I read too much, and play games too much, but I only do that to escape reality. Enough said.

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