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Member Since 2012-09-24 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio

    Hiya, I'm Skilverlight. This will be my sister account to my account.

    Here's some things about me:

    1. My Birthday is November 14th, 1991—I'm getting old lol.

    2. I'm a Grammar Nazi; improper grammar drives me absolutely insane!

    3. I'm Bisexual; Yes I like guys and girls—for personality not just features.

    4. I'm Female and generally quite pleased with this; sure my thoughts have wandered and I've been curious on what being a guy might be like, but yes, I'm quite pleased to be me.

    5. My favorite color is.. Purple. Simple enough, really. Want I to get a bit more complicated? #9500FF; Hex for my favorite shade of Violet Purple.

    6. I like to Sing, Write, and Draw. I think I'm pretty good with vocals, and well, I'm constantly second-guessing my writing, and I can't draw for anything (unless it's an eye, don't ask) but it's still a fun pass-time.

    7. I love Playing Games. I play an MMORPG called Perfect World International (in which I've got quite a few high level characters). I play Dance Dance Revolution and I can do so in Heavy and Challenge Mode (I have it for several different gaming platforms). I like Seek and Find games (they keep me amused for hours on end). I play Pokemon (yes, I like these games. I like mass training the little creatures so they're well above the Elite Four level when I'm only on the 5th-6th Gym. I am, however, Shiny Obsessed). I play online Breeding Simulations (Felisfire, Wajas, Aramii, etc.)

    8. I like a lot of different genre's of Music— Trance, Techno, Rock, Pop, Gothic Rock, Euro-dance, Bubblegum Pop, etc. I however, don't really care for Country, except on very small occasions. 9/10 times, however, you will hear some form of Trance playing if around me.

    9. I live in the USA, in Mississippi, in a small town about several minutes away from Louisiana. It gets hot, but I can't say I don't enjoy it. I'll take the heat over the snow and cold from when I lived up in Lorain, Ohio any day.

    10. I'm anime obsessed. When I get into a fandom I horde what I can find for said fandom. Posters, clothing, light switch plates, coffee mugs, poker cards, etc. And there's always a 9/10 chance I will cosplay from said fandom. I will cosplay whether at a convention or not, and Halloween is a great time for it.

    11. I'm incredibly Shy. I'm the quiet one that has that "Leave Me Alone Or I Will Eat You" aura until I find a point to connect in which I'm really very talkative and abandon the leave me alone facade. This goes over into talking on the net even though less noticeable since you really cannot see me.

    12. I have a very mild form of Telephobia. What's that you ask? Fear of Telephones. Simply put, I hate phones with a passion. They're annoying, and I hate when people call. Sure, I'll use them, and touch them, but.. Only if necessary. I will not answer unless I recognize the number, and even then, not always. If you can't be assed to leave a message I tend to ignore it.

    13. I've got an obsession with Sharp Things. I collect swords and knives. My favorite is a cane sword I got a few years ago.

    14. I hate the smell of Orange, Grape, and Ketchup. Lol, yes, Ketchup. The smell alone makes me ill, and even then I dislike the tastes immensely. But, why even touch something which makes you ill just from smelling it?

    15. I'm an incredibly Short person. I stand at 5' exact. And while it does suck in some instances (like getting checked at amusement park rides no matter what) it's good for other reasons.



    Initial D kick, lol. Hit outta random. (Still Sorta)

    Kuroko no Basuke Kick! Ffffffff. Even writing something, lol. Have a huge love for KagaKuro, AoKuro, and AoKaga..


    Working On:

    Currently Untitled: KagaKuro, Rating Undecided

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