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Member Since 2012-08-04 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    Salut tout le monde!

    Ok, so a little about me. I'm a masters student at the moment who is a little burnt out with school. I've been reading fanfics since I was, gosh, probably 10 years old. I started with DBZ and Sailor Moon (Shout out to Toonami and that crazy late night japanese channel on cable that they got rid of) and then eventually transitioned into Harry Potter, Naruto, FMA, and the Hunger Games. Personally I write and read fanfics because they make my busy and stressful life more bearable. My favorite genre to read and write is angst and romance, as you can probably tell if you've read any of my stories. I LOVE the romance genre because I think people need sexual outlets sometimes without all the drama that comes from living out these situations in our personal lives. I think sexuality is natural and I really hate it when people call me or my characters sluts/whores/perverts etc. I also know that my stories can be pretty dark and heavy (angst), but I like to add some comedy in there every once and a while to lighten things up. I like stories that show how people actually are. We are flawed creatures, us humans, and I like adding a kind of realism to stories that reflects this.

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