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Member Since 2012-06-08 -:- Recomendations : 0

Currently Reading

Harry Potter
  • Blood Bond -:- by freakenbree -:- Updated : March 11, 2012 2:00 pm
    Content Tags :
    ***UPDATED CH 1-16***After Neville causes a bad potion in class, Snape finds out that Harry is his destined blood bond. Despite hate and remorse, he pursues Harry and their relationship is sent into a spiral of odd emotions. Vampire!Snape

  • Proof of Life -:- by emilywaters -:- Updated : July 6, 2011 10:50 pm
    Content Tags : Abuse Angst D/s Slave Tort
    fic Snarry. slave!Snape. Seven years after the Second Wizarding war, Seveurs Snape is found... alive. Damaged and disoriented, after years of torture at the hands of former Death Eaters, Severus finds refuge in Harry's home. Death, N/C,

  • Gift of the Unicorn -:- by Phantomhive -:- Updated : September 21, 2009 3:33 pm
    Content Tags : Anal Beast M/M MPreg Oral WIP
    When Severus Snape is attacked by a unicorn in the Forbidden Forest he is bestowed a most beautiful and unwilling of gifts. AU/AR, N/C,

  • One Hell Of A Year -:- by WasteOfSpace -:- Updated : March 10, 2009 7:55 pm
    Content Tags : Anal HJ M/M Oral Solo WIP
    A very sick Harry finds out the people he considered friends, betrayed him. As school begins, he makes new friends of former enemies. M, Yaoi

  • Revenge Is An Act of Passion -:- by rizzlybug21 -:- Updated : January 26, 2008 10:30 pm
    Content Tags : ChallengeFic M/M
    Silvara Wilde challenge. Harry wants revenge on Snape, but a certain ritual goes wrong. Snape is turned in to a child fic.

  • Among Other Things -:- by Startsuki17 -:- Updated : December 26, 2007 12:00 am
    Content Tags : Abuse Angst M/M WIP
    Discovering the extent of Dumbledore's manipulation, Harry runs away to find his true friends, family, and a better life. HPSS preslash, mentions of child abuse, Ron bashing. R&R!

  • What's a Mom to do? -:- by Ariande -:- Updated : July 8, 2007 12:00 am
    Content Tags : BP WAFF
    Voldemort has been defeated. When the Order arrives on the scene, the sight is a shock! Children! What's a mom to do? Love them of course.HPSS eventually. kidfic, no bottom. Post H.Warnings subject to change. Rated for safety. Lime, Yaoi

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