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Member Since 2012-06-04 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio

    Ok, bio stuff...umm...I'm of the female persuasion and live in the united states. I primarily write original slash fics involving sci-fi and/or magic. There is also a small spattering of het, femslash, and fanfiction in my writing repertoire. I like kink, romance, and humor, as well as a healthy dash of angst, and always try to put those elements into my writing. I shall always strive to finish stories in a timely fashion, as it bothers me greatly when a story either a) gets abandoned half-way through or b) takes years with many loong gaps to get finished.

    Rather than children, I have a cat and an ever-growing BJD collection. All of my current and planned dolls (with the - for now - exception of 2) are characters from my stories. If anyone is ever interested in seeing the dolls, check out my LJ. Any stories I post here, will also be posted on my LJ.

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