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Member Since 2012-05-21 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio

    Name: not available

    Sex: M

    Born: 1990

    Fanfiction: Romance, Adventure

    Sports: Tennis, Martial Arts, Disk Golf

    Hobbies: Tennis, video games, Disk Golf


    Servo vestri prosapia. Iuguolo qui votum ut vulnero lemma.

    Aurum Est Potestas. Latin for gold is power

    May the power of the righteous fire blast away all evil from the earth to protect the innocent and avenge all victims.

    May vox of righteous incendia flatus absentis totus malum ex orbis terrarum protego insons insontis quod exsequor totus victor.

    "vincit qui se vincit". He conquers who conquers himself. Is victum quisnam victum sui

    Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile."


    Life is short,

    the art long,

    opportunity fleeting,

    experiment treacherous,

    judgment difficult.

    Amor vincit omnia

    - Love conquers all.

    Scientia est potentia

    servo vestri amicitia propinquus , tamen servo vestri enimes propinquus

    keep your friends close, but keep your enimes closer.

    Amat victoria curam

    Cuiusvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare

    "When there are two opposites there is always something inbetween. A force equal to the other two but is often over looked and goes unseen. But that force is still strong"

    "I'd rather be a fighter than a lover. Because a lover just expects everything to be handed to them and never strive for more. Now a fighter, a fighter strives for what he wants, earns every last thing he has. And when he can't get what he wants he fights harder till he gains it"

    "Always walk forward, move towards the future but look to the past so you can grow and move through the present in stride"

    "I will not run, I do not hide. I will stand tall in my pride and stare my fear in the eye. I shall not die on the ground but my feet. I shall never accept defeat"

    "There is no good and evil, just perception"

    "I don't fear my anxiety, I fear no Destiny."

    It's strange that I can't bring myself to commit murder. Maybe it would be more humane... but dead people learn no lessons.

    You can't win a battle now, You need to win a battle for all times. Make sure you leave no enemy in a capacity to come back and get revenge, defeat one enemy and make an example to all others. Fight once, win forever.

    - Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one
    - Victory favors those who take pains

    - Knowledge is power
    Scio me nihil scire - I know that I know nothing. Certain knowledge cannot be obtained. (Socrates)
    Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes - Essentially it says, 'if you can read this, you're overeducated.'
    Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for the war. (Vegetius)
    Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes - It is foolish to fear that which you cannot avoid. (Publilius Syrus)

    It means “Protect your family. Kill those who wish to harm them.”

    Servo vestri prosapia. Iuguolo qui votum ut vulnero lemma. It means “Protect your family. Kill those who wish to harm them.”

    Aurum Est Potestas. Latin for gold is power

    May the power of the righteous fire blast away all evil from the earth to protect the innocent and avenge all victims.

    May vox of righteous incendia flatus absentis totus malum ex orbis terrarum protego insons insontis quod exsequor totus victor.

    "vincit qui se vincit". He conquers who conquers himself. Is victum quisnam victum sui

    Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile."


    Life is short,

    the art long,

    opportunity fleeting,

    experiment treacherous,

    judgment difficult.

    Amor vincit omnia

    - Love conquers all.

    Scientia est potentia

    servo vestri amicitia propinquus , tamen servo vestri enimes propinquus

    keep your friends close, but keep your enimes closer.

    Amat victoria curam

    Cuiusvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare

    "When there are two opposites there is always something inbetween. A force equal to the other two but is often over looked and goes unseen. But that force is still strong"

    "I'd rather be a fighter than a lover. Because a lover just expects everything to be handed to them and never strive for more. Now a fighter, a fighter strives for what he wants, earns every last thing he has. And when he can't get what he wants he fights harder till he gains it"

    "Always walk forward, move towards the future but look to the past so you can grow and move through the present in stride"

    "I will not run, I do not hide. I will stand tall in my pride and stare my fear in the eye. I shall not die on the ground but my feet. I shall never accept defeat"

    "There is no good and evil, just perception"

    "I don't fear my anxiety, I fear no Destiny."

    It's strange that I can't bring myself to commit murder. Maybe it would be more humane... but dead people learn no lessons.

    You can't win a battle now, You need to win a battle for all times. Make sure you leave no enemy in a capacity to come back and get revenge, defeat one enemy and make an example to all others. Fight once, win forever.



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