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Member Since 2012-03-27 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction. -Oscar Wilde 

    My work of fiction is a delightful tale filled with wickedness of light and the purity of darkness. I love to write, the written language is such a delight to play around with creating both happiness and depression with one line. Being able to take words and shape them in to pictures in peoples mind is a gift, which I envy. 
    I have a very over active imagination, which is both a blessing and a curse; I am distracted easily. I am a natural introvert but over the past few months I have been working on coming out of my shell by joining and applying myself to different clubs and organizations around my college campus. 
    One group I am very big in is St. Animal Pet Adoptions, which is a local animal rescue group. We work to taking abandoned and stray animals; making them healthy, fixed, and chipped before finding forever homes for them.
    At school I am in Psychology Club as well as Student Government as well as working towards my Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. When I am not working on something or doing school work I can be found either reading which is a great hobby of mine or talking to my friends I’ve met while role playing comic book characters online. I do enjoy comics and make plans to go as Rouge for Halloween next year. 
    I am working on becoming Vegan I have already removed meat from my diet and now for dairy products and other extracts from animals. As far as other products I hope to be completely organic by next year. 
    I am also in to recycling and I do my part to make this planet healthy and better for future generations as well as fixing Mother Earth and repaying her for her kindness she has shown us. 

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