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Member Since 2012-03-04 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio

    Alright, so a little about me. I am female, 21 years old. I live in Canada. I am English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh decent. A lot of people I meet say I look European so that explains it. I am an Apathetic Agnostic, I do not know if a higher power exists because there is just no way we can ever truly know. I am of the mindset that thinks money never should have been invented. If it had not greed would not be at an all time high in this day and age. I do believe in reincarnation though, as I think every soul lives many lives on this planet and every planet in this universe that contains life forms, however primitive, or advanced they are. I despise prejudice and racism, I was raised in a mixed opinions home so I took on my more tolerant parents beliefs. I am bisexual and borderline asexual. I am still learning about myself and I don't think I'll ever stop. There is so much to learn not just about your body but your personality and beliefs as you grow and mature and change.

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