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Member Since 2012-02-26 -:- Recomendations : 0

Currently Reading

  • Mass Effect: True Blue -:- by Ryswell -:- Updated : May 29, 2022 4:17 am
    Content Tags : 3Plus Anal Dom Ds MF OC Oral Xeno
    When confronted with evidence of bribery, asari CEO Benezia T'Soni makes a decision that will irreversibly alter the course of her life. To protect her family's reputation, she offers her body to a devious, lustful human Spectre.

  • Mass effect Connections -:- by ilego -:- Updated : April 15, 2020 7:45 pm
    Content Tags : WIP
    This is my favorite Series but it sadly no longer exists... Feel free to finish it or fix it I originally intended to fix this story and make it nice and neat (correct chapter Names for each part and descriptions and an ending) but it was taking long cause it was very long and big. I eventually came to decide that I would just put it up (it is 95% ok in my opinion) might as well see what would see what happen. I hope u enjoy it and I apologize if I tagged or didn't tag the right content. I hope I didn't break any rules since it's my first time uploading.

  • Turnaround -:- by Doirly_No -:- Updated : July 19, 2019 12:44 am
    Content Tags : COMPLETE FF Fingering Xeno
    In an AU where an Earthborn Shepard isn't strong nor skilled enough to join the Alliance all she really has going for her is her friend Kasumi, who drags her to a new club that's popular with asari tourists. Luckily for her a certain matriarch was also dragged to that very same club on that very same night.

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