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Member Since 2011-12-14 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    I had stopped reading fan-fiction quite some time ago, since I felt that most of the stories lacked a certain something. It was all very bland and was always more of the same. And then someone linked me to a story here. Now I'm hooked on AFF. I like to think of myself as a starving artist. I draw and write as much as I can, given my current employment in mediocrity-land. I have a passion for body art (tattoos, piercings, etc) and enjoy collecting things (books, comics, ball jointed dolls, etc). I like gore and musicals, which apparently means I am a serial killer. I do a lot of volunteer work with animal shelters, and I'm good at; it helps that I tend to get along with animals vastly more than people. I am a gender dysphoric bull dyke. Crazy description, right? That's about as simple as I can make it though. I'm more interested in the concept of sex than the actual act though, which is so relevent. I'm a horrible scatter brain when I'm tired, which is a lot of the time.

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