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Member Since 2011-08-08 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    Hello dears,

      I am completely and totally obsessed with everything Harry Potter. I started reading the books in 3rd grade when they began being published, and now that all of the movies have been released and I've read the series millions of times, I'm switching to fanfics for my HP needs. Simply because I cannot imagine my life without Harry Potter. 

      Hermione will always been my heroine, I find her to be an amazingly complex and well-rounded character. Lord Voldemort is my obsession, he is sexy, evil, brilliant, strong, powerful, etc. Basically the perfect man for my twisted mental fantasies. I refuse to do a weak Hermione, or a kind Lord Voldemort, the mere thought of that makes me want to vom everywhere. 

      I will also do Hermione paired with Harry, albeit a Harry with a dark side. I don't believe in the idea that a person is either good or evil, everyone has both (Props to Sirius), so IF I write a Harmione do not expect rainbows, butterflies, and sweet kisses. (Gushy romance is gag worthy)

      Dramione may be possible, but I'm not entirely sold on them together yet. 

     What I will NEVER do is pair Hermione with Ron. I despise him. If there was one thing that I would disagree with the brilliant Rowling on it would be pairing poor Hermione with that pathetic excuse for a man. Additionally, Ginny is not a favorite of mine, and honestly (do not hold me to this, or attack me for it, its just a personal opinion) I believe that Rowling didn't like her much either. She's not very complex and never seems to grow as a thoughtful or deep character, we also never really get a clear discription of her. (Red hair is a given, and shes athletic so we can assume that shes fit, other than that we never had much to go on until the movies) I personally have always found her unappealing in everyway, so, if shes mentioned in my fics do not expect nice things. 

      Prophecy is my first project and I've liked how it's gone so far, I probably will not begin another fic until I'm about 15 chapters into Prophecy, even though there are several ideas floating around up in the head. 

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