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Member Since 2011-06-14 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    I've been missing for a while, but I'm trying to get back into the habit of regular writing and drawing and etc in my life. I apologize for the very long absence but I'm going to work on correcting that. Eventually, I do want to write more and more again. I also want to tie up loose ends on stories I started and never finished. So...


    Concerning Love Born From A Nightmare

    I do plan to finish this story at some point. I have a few other things that are more fresh in my mind, but I will finish! I also want to address a couple things from reviews and detail a bit more about the story.

    Love Born From A Nightmare was always intended to be a three part story that could be easily slipped into canon events with a little help from anime fillers. So part 1 of this story is set immediately after the chunin exams when Sasuke encounters Itachi for the first time in years, the story itself is fitted into canon as being part of the Tsukuyomi that Itachi used on Sasuke at that time. Hence the real Naruto's concern for Sasuke being that, from Naruto's point of view Itachi had stared at his younger brother for only a moment resulting in Sasuke being in this suddenly terrible state.

    Since this is a Sasu/Naru story (Itachi's precense is simply a catalyst for the following events, so you could almost call this a prologue), you won't really hear any of it from Itachi's point of view, and to answer a question posed in a review, I would like to explain Itachi's motivation. As I said, this story is intended to slip into what is already in place as canon, so Itachi's good/evil status is ultimately the same. By showing Sasuke what he did in his genjutsu, Itachi's intent was first, to make his brother hate him more so he would continue training with a renewed vigor and second, to force Sasuke to be aware of his connection towards Naruto. Whether this connection be friendly or romantic in nature was irrelevant to Itachi's plan. He needed only to force his brother to acknowledge his connection to Naruto so that Sasuke would be able to feel more connected to Konoha (via Naruto) by having something there to protect from Itachi. In other words, he wanted his brother to have a reason to hate him that was not purely for the sake of revenge, but for the sake of protecting someone. So, while that is Itachi's motivation, I'm afraid that his actual appearance in this story is at an end (though I assure you I have many ideas in mind of Itachi's own private life, they just don't fit in this story).

    I hope that clears up some questions for now until I can get back to writing this piece.

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