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Member Since 2010-12-31 -:- Recomendations : 0

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  • Meant to Be (Reposted)
    Who would have thought that the past could capture the hearts and minds of the future? Certainly not Kagome but the results were undeniable. Unable to completely close the door on cherished memories she had done what any half way sane person would, she'd written and it gave birth to the first of her books, Aramitama: A Tale of Courage. Eagerly Kagome started upon Kushimitama which at half way through she got slapped into reality by the editor, book signing... Domino City... Tommarrow. Why? Why couldn't he have told her... maybe a week ago when she could prepare?
    Located : InuYasha > General
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    Posted : 2016-05-28 -:- Edited : 2016-05-28 14:18:04 -:- (1)Read Reviews -:- Views : 1172 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

  • A Fuedal Sindorei
    Things have an odd way of happening rather you want them to or not. Azanthya certainly didn't ask to leave her world behind.
    Located : InuYasha Crossovers > Het - Male/Female
    Content Tags : AFFO Bi Fingering H/C HJ Hum M/F Oral Solo TF Violence WAFF WD WIP
    Posted : 2016-02-29 -:- Edited : 2016-02-29 02:01:21 -:- (0)Read Reviews -:- Views : 1212 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0

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