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Member Since 2010-11-24 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    I'm MerinxD :):) Creator of rivalsinlove, lover of fanfiction, Always rooting for the underdog and the 'mis understood' characters. I love dramione cliches a little more than I should, I enjoy veela Draco and spell mishaps. I HATE vampire Draco! If you want vampires go watch Twilight or Vampire Diaries. Harry Potter has enough going on as it is. My faves of Post Hogwarts fics with a bit of emotional tension/twist. But in the end - It's all good if it's Dramione. I also ship - Harry/Luna, Harry/Ginny, Ginny/Blaise, Ron/Pansy, Lucius/Hermione
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