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Member Since 2010-11-16 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio


    My name is Diapered Hanku, and I'm an avid reader of fanfiction. love seeing other people's ideas of what should happen in a story, and observing how big of a shift they will make their characters go through, compared to what they originally were.

    My favorite story sections to read in are; Naruto, Inuyasha, Lilo & Stitch and Harry Potter.

    I'm also something of a writer, though I don't consider myself very good. I have a lot to learn, and sometimes have a hard time taking advice. When I write though I do it because I enjoy it, what I don't enjoy is writing exactly what everyone considers Cannon. When I write, I write whatever and however I want, and most often completely disregarded what is considered Cannon.

    I also have a very deep rooted Diaper Fetish, and consider myself sometimes a Babyfur and sometimes just a Diaper Lover. So most of my stories will have content related to both, be it either Diapers or Furries. I have two stories out currently, and I hope to finish them both and than keep writing. I really want to write a Lilo & Stitch story, and might even take time off my other two to start one of them. Anyways, that's all I really have to say.


    - Diapers

    - Anime

    - Video Games

    - Movies

    - Cooking

    - Reading

    - Writing

    Favorite Movies

    - Lord of the Rings

    - Star Wars

    - Matrix (Except the Last One)

    Favorite Book Series: The Wheel of Time

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