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Member Since 2010-06-04 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    Well howdy there! Thanks for visiting my profile with "my story" *giggles* Well, okay, you caught me, it's not really my story because guess what?! You give up yet?! Okay, I'll tell ya! The site admins and moderators have done a bit of research and found that I've plagiarized the fics of others because I lack the talent to come up with something on my own. I can care less that I am responsible for an act of theft, as long as you good people review "My" work and praise ME for MY creations! *psst! They're not really mine* Because of these offenses, the admins and moderators of now have control over my account and hopefully I'll get the point that I'm not welcomed back! Isn't that just the bee's knees?! Now you're work is a little bit safer here on because I won't swipe your work and post them to this account!
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