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Member Since 2010-04-19 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    About Me Hi! My name is Julie but I go by miCastile online. I'm an operator by night and a writer by day! I'm a bit shy about putting up my fanfics, but I thought I'd give this a try anyway, break out of my shell. I'm overly obsessed with the Axel/Roxas pairing (especially after playing 358/2 Days, damn that game) and they're all I really write about heehee I'm an overly happy and energetic person. I hate to dwell on the bad in life and just move along. Its not easy (heck, cus I know dearly) but it can be done. Writing is like therapy for me. I give my characters my emotions so I don't go through them. Sure I feel bad, but there's usually a happy ending so its not so bad :) I'm always looking to become a better writer which is why I wouldn't mind being reviewed and critiqued. So give me your best shot! :D Interests 1. I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan. I began playing the middle of last year and OMG its so good! I ship Axel/Roxas so hard it hurts. Riku/Sora, Leon/Cloud, and Zexion/Demyx aren't far on the list actually, but I love me AkuRoku so much :D 2. Yaoi!! Should have been first but whatever. The only straight pairing I write for is my own writing project. 3. Other gaming interests include Call of Duty, GTA, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Final Fantasy (I will buy you soon 13! I promise!), Phoenix Wright, Pokemon (I've almost caught them all!), Yu-Gi-Oh (still building my ultimate deck), and Sonic (my first game as a little tot.) 4. Korean in general. 90 of my music is Korean and I spend my spare time learning the language. I can read it yay! 5. I'm a fashion fiend. I' saving up my money for a huge summer haul, and for black Friday. Can't wait! 6. My DS! I carry it everywhere!! Its what keeps me from boredom at work (don't worry, I'm allowed to play s'long as I do my job) 7. Doodling! I have a DA account, but I'm still decorating my front page so I won't hand out the address just yet.

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