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Member Since 2010-02-07 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    In the past I've published my stories on And even though I think it's an amazing vessel for young people to get their writing out there, I have been craving a site where I can 'publish' my stories and get perhaps one or two detailed, thoughtful reviews versus ten short, mispelled 'OMG THAT WAS SO HOT'esque reviews. Anyway, I'm an eighteen-year-old British Australian aspiring writer. I love fanfiction with a passion. It's fabulous that writers can get their work out there and get feedback and encouragement. Fifty years ago, it would have been impossible to get an opportunity like this, so I'm really thankful to both fanfiction websites and the people who take time to read and review. Haha, I hope that doesn't come across as sanctimonious xD Anyhow. I love several fandoms but my main loves are: Harry Potter, Sweeney Todd, Sherlock Holmes, Disney, Johnny Depp and Phantom of the Opera. I've written stories for Sweeney Todd, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Harry Potter and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I'm currently working on a Sherlock Holmes yaoi fic. I am almost purely a slash, yaoi fan. I can stand some het couples, such as Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett and the Phantom and Christine but they have to be pretty special. I enjoy writing crack and humourous fics for serious fandoms like Sweeney Todd but I also love drama. I'm not a huge fan of angst. I don't like too much darkness. I like it to be balanced out. As a result I can't read angst often and I almost never, ever, EVER write it. I don't consider what I write as angsty, even though much of it is dark or serious. I do like tragedy. There's nothing like a heartbreaking, tearjerking ending to soothe the soul. I do also enjoy happy endings. As long as they are realistic and, where possible, bittersweet. I think Disney is the only one who can get away with purely, corntastic happy endings. It's Disney, they have to be corny or they're not doing their job! I've been told my writing style is morbid and I know that it's overly flowery and can often tend to be completely dramatic and gushy. I gave one of my stories to my mother once and she was very shocked. She thought it was ever so cheap and trashy. But, compared to some of the truly talented smut artists out there, I'm a blushing flower. I like 'Mills and Boon'esque projects. They keep me sustained and they help me improve my writing, so every now and again I roll out something cheap and Mills and Boony. My writing can swing between passionate to painfully blunt. I'm influenced unabashedly by what I see, what I read, what I watch. I'm like a literary chameleon xD Anyways, I'll shut up now. I think that's more that enough from me. *zips*

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