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Member Since 2009-11-05 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio

    Real Name: Dee... it's a variation of my true name (but you're not going to get that!)

    Age: Don't ya know it's impolite to ask a lady her age? However, just to let you know I'm legal age everywhere.

    Anyway, on to more serious things; I'm a university student (Convocation here I come!~! Hoozah, seven years and I get my BA) that is working a dual major but currently possess the equivalent of an English Minor (hoozah!).

    Favorite Things: 
    Favorite Book(s): Harry Potter (I got all seven!~!) ; Guy Gavriel Kay (his books are just plain awesome -- and he's Canadian!) ; Good Omens (that book cracks me up!) ; Kathy Reich 2. 
    Favorite Music: Blue Judy (love these guys), Against Grace, Fairchild and a bunch of Canadian artists (Nickelback What kind of Canadian would I be if I didn't like Nickelback, Great Big Sea Don't Diss the Newfoundlanders, I love their stuff, and more) 
    Favorite Movie(s): Harry Potter (got six so far), Star Trek (Please, Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto, what's not to love), Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr! Excuse me while I faint) 
    Favorite TV shows: Mythbusters! (Jamie and Adam just crack me up not to mention it's really interesting), NCIS (Tony... Gibbs, need I say more?), CSI (I'm faithful... I've watched it since the beginning), Criminal Minds (Reid... Derek... Garcia, that answer your question?), The Listener (Canadian TV show), Republic of Doyle! (It's shot in Newfoundland, my home province... not to mention Allan Hawco is pretty hot that and I like the interaction between Jake and Malachy), Torchwood! (I don't need a fanon for that show)
    Favorite Anime: Naruto (All time favorite... Subtitled, not dubbed that's just... ew), Prince of Tennis (It was Fuji! He tied to me a chair and forced me to watch), Hetalia (this one's a newbie... soon as I learned that there was an anime that animefied (not a word, I know) my County, I got right into it... Matthew's soo cute).

    I'm also on if you want to check that out sometime. I'm under DeeKayne

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