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Member Since 2009-08-21 -:- Recomendations : 2

  • Bio

    I'm married, frightfully old for a fanfic author, and have been writing Potterfic since 2009. I started writing in 2001 in another fandom.

    I usually ship Dramione. I'm also rather fond of Snape/Hermione, Ron/Pansy, and Harry/Ginny, and I enjoy writing Luna, the elder Malfoys, and Bellatrix, upon whom I have a horrible crush based largely on Helena Bonham Carter's portrayal of her in the films. I removed my non-Dramione fics from some time ago, but hope to post some new ones in the future. All of my Dramione stuff is at Hawthorne and Vine, including some multi-chapter fics which aren't on

    I usually get either Draco or Luna when taking "which HP character are you?" quizzes, for what it's worth. I got sorted into Slytherin at Pottermore; my userID is WormwoodCat9743 -- feel free to add me as a friend there.

    I ignore flames but welcome constructive criticism. I write professionally as well, and so I've had to grow a thick skin :P

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