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Member Since 2009-05-12 -:- Recomendations : 0

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    im a really cool girl and my name is khloe. i love to have fun and i am a complete harry potter fan. i really like the pairings with pansy/ron, ron/luna, draco/luna, hermione/lucius, hermione/snape, hermione/sirius, remus/sirius, my all time favorite draco/hermione, and ron/hermione. i absolutely hate ginny/harry, ginny/draco and ginny/lucius. to me those couples are wrong. ill accpet ginny/harry in a story only if they are background characters and arent important to the story but if they are take them out. i like stories that have a lot of smut but at the same time i like stories that have a plot with some smut but preferably i like a story with both smut and a plot line. i have read some pretty good stories like that are like that so it can be accomplished. other than that im just a horny girl looking for a good story to turn me on.

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