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Member Since 2009-04-29 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    My name is Lucy I am English, a northern lass to be precise, therefore I rarely feel the cold. I am still in the process of quitting smoking. I enjoy two types of drinks - a nice cup of tea (how wonderfully british) or something with vodka in it. I'm a history nerd who reads a lot - from sci-fi to romance and from fiction to non-fiction, as long as it has substance I'll read it. I love animals...people on the other hand, generally, not so much. I can't limit myself to a genre ever - in music, in films, in television, in books and even in my own writing. I have an obsession with buying vintage clothes and can spend days trawling charity and vintage shops for that dress that is just right. I have my own beliefs and my own opinions and I'll stick to them - regardless of what everyone else thinks. I write fanfiction. Mainly for Bleach as that is my favorite manga but I am known to dabble in other fandoms and will write some stories for those if I ever have time in my busy, busy life. Let it be known across the lands that I throw an amazing party. Seriously. Skins has got NOTHING on me =D I would like to be an author when I decide to grow up, which is one of the reasons why I love writing my fanfictions so much. I'm a bit of a manga nerd - What can I say, it's addictive. At the moment I can't put down Bleach, Naruto, Jackals, Fairy Tail, Psyren, Full Metal Alchemist, Gintama, Death Note, Lovely Complex, 07 Ghost and Blazer Drive. But there is a lot of other ones I read and a LOT of anime I watch - Inuyasha, Speed Grapher, Darker Than Black, Innocent Venus, Ergo Proxy, Cowboy Bebop and I LOVE Studio Ghibli films. In my mind Hayao Miyazaki is a god.
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