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Member Since 2009-04-02 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    Alright, I'll come right out and say it: I procrastinate like crazy. I'm gonna do my best to put stories on this site as often as possible but I made this account as a test to myself. I start things and don't finish them often so I've challange myself to put up at least one story a week by 11:59 PM each Friday night. If you end up liking my stories please support me in this self-inflicted venture. Thanks for reading this! Oh and if you wondered I'm a twenty one year old girl. I work two jobs and I really like to write. I will write mostly Yaoi/Slash/Whatever you wanna call two guys having sex. This will all be in the original section for the most part. I haven't had the urge to write in any fandom lately, but who knows? The whim could come upon me any moment. Thanks again for reading this and I hope you have a happy adventure online today!

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