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Member Since 2008-10-02 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    Hello all! Thanks for viewing my profile! While you're here check out some of my stories! And if you want to see what I look like check out my profile on Myspace, especially all of you who have been wondering what I look like: I've made my profile public so everyone can go check it out! Oh! I also have like...5 or 6, I think, Final Fantasy Music Videos made exclusively by myself! If you'd like to check them out, just click on the little video link under my picture. And if you want to add me just tell me you're pen name in a message or something...I won't get all weirded out that way! ;p Oh and I have an RP profile for Paine! Go check it out: It's still a work in progress so sorry if it still looks a little crudy. For all of you who don't know already my real name is Jenna and I'm 19 years young. I live in the US of A and enjoy the finer things in life. I'm a leftie that DOES NOT believe that righties live longer! I am going to prove it! I'm part Italiano and part Deutsch(that's German for all of you who don't know), rather fiesty combination if I do say so myself! I have a brother that used to annoy the hell outta me but now I love him to death, strange how that always happens huh? I love my Dragon Tattoo Razr that Ami from Miami Ink designed! I think that Orlando Bloom and Hayden Christensen are God's gift to this Earth. I love to read. Give me a good book on a rainy day and I'm a happy camper. I love to make music videos! Once I get an idea for one I have to finish the whole thing or it drives me nuts. I love to bake cakes, cookies and biscuits(and YES, they are called biscuits even though I'm NOT from England). I LOVE to have pictures taken! Just look at all my Senior pics on my Myspace and you'll understand. Oh, and I simply adore classic scary movies and 80's music. My most favorite movie of all time is Robin Hood: Men In Tights. Well geez, enough of the boring stuff! Onto the more exciting things! Pairings I absolutely adore: Vincent/Tifa(these two were friggin make for each other), Reno/Tifa(everyone loves Reno), Baralai/Paine(those two were made for each other as well), Rikku/Gippal(even though I haven't really written anything about them, they were made for each other too) and Tidus/Yuna(come on, you gotta be blind and deaf not to see that one)...and some Cloud/Tifa. I loves Vincent and Reno more, they treat Tifa better. :3 Pairings I absolutely cannot stand: Vincent/Yuffie(I just DON'T GET IT), Cloud/Aeris(guy that is alive that tries to go look for a dead girl just doesn't make much sense to me), Zidane/Eiko(that's craddle robbing right there), Nooj/Paine(what the fudge is up with that??), Paine/Gippal(i just don't see the connection...I would think Gippal would annoy the hell out of Paine), Baralai/Yuna( no...), Cloud/Yuffie(...) and last but not least...Sephiroth/Aeris(WTF??) OR Sephiroth/Tifa(AU's are JUST NO). Now that I've severely insulted some and mildly humored others please go read my loverly stories and send a review or two my way, but I'll still love you if all you decide to do is read them. At least you did that much; I'll give you kudos for that.
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