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Member Since 2008-08-12 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    Name: Emerusmerlinus, my alias is a misspelled of my favorite all times fiction character from Mary Stewart’s book The Crystal Cave. Also, he is the most well known legend on the English speaking world as in Merlin the Magician or King Arthur’s tales. Other Alias are: Emerusemer, mystic_sprite1969 so far. Age: I am an old soul with the body of an almost forty years old woman; however, I am neither young nor old, I just am. Height: You know that great things come in small packages that it is me only 4’9’’ tall. Weight: Well, let’s say that I strive to be like the Buddha; although, so far I have manage to look only like the Buddha. Let’s no go there. Hair Color: My natural color is dark-brown with natural highlights ranging between bluish-black or reddish-black. However, I’ve been known to sport a red-head, and blond-highlights on occasion. I claim temporary insanity for those times. The longest look I have sport is waist length and the shortest boyish-cut above the ears. Currently, I cut it nape long. Skin Color: I am suppose to have brown skin; however, it is not dark nor fair it looks more yellowish; although, I claim to be light brown and I am sticking to it. Nationality: I was lucky to be born in the good old USA or not depending on your liking of my country. In any case, I am Mexican-American and that is that. Language: My mother’s language is Spanish; therefore, my first language is Spanish and my father’s language is English. So you have it, English is my second language. I dabble a little on Russian couldn’t go pass first year. Tantalize on French just couple of weeks and I was a goner. Stick with Arabic language for awhile since the ex-hubby was from an Arab-speaking country and some of the exes where too. It seems I have a thing for Arabs. I am seriously thinking on learning Japanese just to make sure Kazuya Minekura did intend to imply a more intimate relationship among my favorite Saiyuki characters. I would hate it that the English translation imply my favorite couples pairing (Sanzo/Goku, Hakkai/Goyjo) when the author did not. Anyways, I am just thinking seriously. Hobbies: Reading, I am like the devouring monster of Literature especially fiction: fantasy- romance, romance, romance, romance, anything romance don’t care F/M, M/M, demons/humans, humans whatever as long as it has a beautiful form (I’m too shallow). What an incurable romantic I am. Poetry, Music almost every kind except Rap, I can’t stand that gangster kind of shit. TV romance/fantasy movies and lately Anime. I collect Tarot cards, stones the rare the better, quartz, any kind of stone precious, semi-precious, etc. Well as long as my budget allows me to buy it. I am not rich you know. I am only a lowly cashier. Favorite Anime: Sighs! Saiyuki of course but before those handsome men entered my life. I was devoted to Sailor Moon and I finally finished reading the manga. Time for another rant, the ending sucks! It sucks! Really, Sucks! That alternative universe sucks! However, I am hoping to be a good girl this year and maybe Santa would bring me the DVD collection. Finally my other favorite so far is Descendants of Darkness (Yami no Matsuei). Wow! Talk about your handsomer threesome. Yeah! You can tell that I am old and behind on the current anime. Well, sue me. I am behind on my times. Personal Note: I have been writing since I first learned how to use a pencil probably first or second grade. It was mostly poetry to score good brownie points. I was never compelled to write stories; however, I did dream of one day writing a novel. I started thinking of titles for my novel when I was a freshman in high school. It was not until I got hook into a TV show back in 2003 named Queer as Folk (QAF) that I actually begin to write.
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