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Member Since 2008-05-11 -:- Recomendations : 0

  • Bio
    Hello fellow writers, I'm LethalRose ( But I suppose I'll take a step past the obvious and reveal my actual name. It's Mozie Plath. Thank you for visiting my profile. I have been writing for several years now, but it was only recently that I discovered fanfiction. I immediately took a liking to it, since it's so much easier to write a story when characters are already made for you and you already have some idea of a plot. I'm currently working on numerous fanfics, when I shall finish them is unknown even to myself. Most of my work revolves around adult content; sex, violence, and all that other good stuff. But since this is an ADULT site, I suppose that isn't surprising. Over the past year or so, I've become somewhat -dare I say- obsessed? Yes that works. Obsessed with homosexual love between two males (Yaoi). Therefore, all of my stories have at least one character who faces some sort of issue with their sexuality. Just thought I'd get that out in the open for any of you homophobes out there (though I doubt there's a lot). That is all for now, anyone who has any desire to know anything more about me that wasn't stated above, feel free to contact me.

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